Page:Heaven Revealed.djvu/317

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the Divine life. It is works of filial obedience. It is devout and sincere reverence for the truth, and a resolute purpose to apply it to life. "He that doeth truth, cometh to the light."

Whoever, therefore, accepts the heavenly view of marriage as now revealed, will see the necessity of learning and doing the will of the Lord, if he expects to form a true conjugial union. He will see and feel the need of that wisdom which cometh from Above—the wisdom of a righteous and useful life. He will see that, without this wisdom he can never be really loved by a true woman; for a true woman can love only what there is of wisdom in a man. He will see the necessity, therefore, of becoming a form of heavenly wisdom before he can hope to be truly loved by a heavenly-minded woman. So soon as he begins to think of marrying, therefore, he will (if he accepts the heavenly doctrine on this subject) begin to think of learning wisdom from the Lord. He will begin, if he has not already, to regard and shun evils as sins against God. If he has any vicious habits—as of idleness, intemperance, licentiousness, profanity—he will straightway abandon them. If he has no useful occupation he will seek one. If he is false, dishonest, conceited, self-seeking, or worldly-minded, he will repent, humbly invoke the Divine aid, and earnestly set about the work of reformation. If he has scoffed at religion or trifled with holy Scripture, he will change his course and begin to cultivate a reverence for the Word and for all sacred things. For we are taught by this new revelation that the conjunction of a wife is with the rational, moral and spiritual wisdom of the husband.