Page:Heaven Revealed.djvu/320

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degree that their souls become conjoined to the Lord by a life of use, and of religious obedience to the Divine precepts. The angels say that the marriage state becomes more blissful and perfect as the husband is perfected in wisdom, and the wife loves that wisdom in the husband; and that this is done by means of uses, and according to the uses which each of them by mutual aid affords in society."—C. L. n. 137.

"No others come into conjugial love, or can be in it, but those who come to the Lord, and love the truths of the church and do its goods; because . . this love, considered as to its origin and correspondence, is heavenly, spiritual, holy, pure and clean above every love that is with the angels of heaven and the men of the church; and these its attributes cannot be given but to those who are conjoined to the Lord, and by Him consociated with the angels of heaven.

"That they come into this love, and can be in it, who love the truths of the church and do its goods, is because no others are accepted of the Lord; for these are in conjunction with them, and thence can be held in that love of Himself. . . . The truth of faith causes the Lord's presence, and the good of life according to truths of faith causes conjunction with Him, and thereby heaven and the church.'—C. L. n. 70, '1, '2.

Thus the new doctrine teaches to married pairs the importance of beginning their wedded life with the Lord. It teaches the necessity of looking to Him and becoming internally conjoined to Him through a life of obedience to his precepts, before they can come into a state of genuine love towards, or of spiritual union with, each other. The reason is, that true Conjugial love is from the Lord; and only those, therefore, can