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Dr. James Jousx Garra WitKrxson (London) SAYS: "Swedenborg's writings area library in themselves, and display the most careful method. He quarreled with no chureh; he set himself in opposition to no organized body. He was too catholic to found a sect. He spoke the truth entrusted to him, and left it to permeate the lives and opinions of succeeding ages. His charity was as broad as the ocean which rolls its waves on every shore. The most magnificent scholar of his age, he was at the same time the humblest Chri a." —-Introduetion to "Economy of the Animal Kingdom," p. Ixxvi.


Compete in 12 volumes, averaging 250 pages cach; consisting of choice selections from the writings of Swedenborg topically arranged, with a full Table of Contents; and giving his religious and ethical teachings in 2 neat, condensed and ertre mely cheap form, with a beautiful portrait of the author in Vol. XI. The Titles are:

1. Death. Resurrection and the Judgment.

2. Heaven.

3. Freedom. Rationality and Catholicity.

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7. Holy Scripture and the Key to its Spiritual Sense.

8. "5 tree Incarnation. Redemption, and the Divine


9. Marriage and the Sexes in both Worlds.

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The most complete and exhaustive treatise on this subject ever published. A pamphlet of 16 pag containing the Table of Contents and other important and interesting matter, sent gratis on application,

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