Page:Heaven Revealed.djvu/94

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concerning the essential nature of heaven. It contains, as Christians generally believe, all the laws of our spiritual life. And these laws must be in their nature eternal as the soul itself, for they are laws of the soul. They are spiritual laws, and must therefore exist and operate wherever human spirits exist—in the Hereafter as well as here. Whatever laws, therefore, the Bible contains for the government of human beings here on earth, are the very laws to which the angelic hosts are subject. "Forever, O Jehovah, thy Word is established in heaven," says the inspired Psalmist: Which clearly authorizes the conclusion that the truth of God's Word is the law of life for the angels in heaven. And the Lord Himself, when speaking as the Word incarnate, says: "I am the living bread which came down from heaven." The living bread from heaven can be none other than the Lord's own love and wisdom, the goods and truths of his Word; and these are Himself. These are what feed and nourish the angels, and coming down from heaven (that is, being properly clothed, and accommodated to our low human condition) give life—spiritual and eternal life—to the world. To receive the goods and truths of the Word in such a manner as to make them of our life, to have our souls filled and vitalized by them, is to receive the Lord Himself. It is to eat his flesh and drink his blood. This is "the bread of life"—"the true bread from heaven." "If any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever." And there can be no true spiritual life without it. "Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, ye have no life in you," saith the Lord. That no material flesh or