Page:Heavenly Bridegrooms.djvu/108

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—or very soon after—the Spirit brought to me, as I was preparing dinner,—'Fear not, that which is conceived within thee is of the Holy Spirit.' Such a rapid and powerful witness to the word went^ through and through me, beginning at the organs of generation, going all through, that I was in great weakness, physically. The tempter had been busy about this time, casting fear upon me lest the flesh were in the matter. Thus the Spirit gave him answer with the revelation came the thought, 'I am with child!'—but so sure was the witness, that instead of being greatly alarmed—praise the Blessed One, a great joy swelled up within me at the thought of such a possibility.

"A glorious victory, afterwards. He showed me that it meant that this precious truth of the marriage relation between us was, 'that which was in me was of the Holy Ghost.' Praise the Lord! He has made me willing to do to bear to suffer anything for Him. He is making me fearless and filling me with His own desire for the spread of all His truth—though I feel more especially the desire to win souls for Him. I am assured that this, His most glorious and satisfying revelation of Himself must be acknowledged as He shall call upon us to do so, or we shall come into darkness indeed, and distress. Shall the chosen and honored wife shame to confess her husband when He would woo others, through her, to the same high place?

"When we enter into this union, He is, as never before, the Life within us, and how shall we seek to suppress the Life that has entered in to displace our own old self-life, and to manifest Himself in and through us, in whatever way He wills. He must be permitted to speak through us—and as I constantly pray, to love, through me. Oh! with us there must be no question but one, viz: 'What wilt Thou, my Beloved?'—and ready response, opening up to meet His blessed will. 'As Thou wilt'—'no longer I, but Christ.' No more my will, in the slightest particular, but the honorable will of my Beloved.

"Reading Madam Guyon in 'Spiritual Progress,' Part II., on 'Union with God,' I find the experience into which I have entered. * * *