Page:Heavenly Bridegrooms.djvu/90

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and when she was again pregnant, the earthly lover returned to Seville, quite cured of his passion, and hastened to call on her saying he should now displease her no longer, as he had ceased to love her. Result: a scene, tears, reproaches on the part of the young woman parents come in and the whole matter is brought to light. The writer continues:

"And what part played the Airy-Lover (interrupted I) all this while? I see well enough (answered the Count) that you are displeased that he should forsake his mistress, leaving her to the Rigour of the Parents and to the Fury of the Inquisitors. But he had reason to complain of her: She was not devout enough; for when these gentlemen immortalize themselves they work seriously, and live very holily; that they loose not the Right which they came to acquire of Sovereign good: So they would have the person to whom they are allied, live with exemplary innocence."

Sub Mundanes also tells of a young Lord of Bavaria who was not to be comforted for the death of his wife: Whereupon sylph took her shape. The same story as told elsewhere, however, stated that it was his own wife who returned from beyond the grave. They lived together many years, and had children. But he "swore, and spoke lewd uncivil words." She reproved him vainly, and at last "she vanished one day from him, and left him nothing but her Clothes, and the Repentance of his not having followed her Holy Counsels." Monsieur Bayle informs us that the "Count de Gavalis" was published at Paris by the celebrated Abbott de Villars (nephew of De Montfaucon) in the year 1670.

These two stories show what stress is laid by the spirit lover upon the necessity for the earthly psychic to keep the moral law.

Another story, unreal and fantastic as is the catastrophe, shows that bigamy is not condoned on the Borderland, and that no man can serve two mistresses without punishment, when one of the earthly partners of one of these nymphs is his Borderland spouse. It appears that he "was so dishonest a Man as to fall in Love with a Woman; But