Page:Hello Hello Who's Your Lady Friend.pdf/4

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Hello! Hello! Who’s Your Lady Friend?

Written by Worton David and Bert Lee.
Composed by Harry Fragson.

music = {
    \language "english"
    { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Voice." } <<
                \new ChordNames \chordmode {
                    \set chordChanges = ##t
                    R2. |
                    R |
                    R |
                    R |
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c'' {
                        \tempo "Moderato"
                        \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 180
                        \clef treble \key f \major
                        \time 6/8
                        \bar "||"
                        \repeat volta 2 {
                            R |
                            R |
                            R |
                            R |
                        \bar "||"
                        \stemDown c4 d8 c4 \stemUp a8 |
                        g4. ~ g4 f8 |
                        f4 e8 ds4 e8 |
                        \stemDown c'4. ~ c |
                        c4 \stemUp g8 fs4 g8 |
                        \stemDown c4 \stemUp g8 fs4 g8 |
                        a2. ~ |
                        a |
                        \stemDown c4 d8 c4 \stemUp a8 |
                        g4. ~ g4 f8 |
                        f4 e8 ds4 e8 |
                    \addlyrics {  \set stanza = #"1. "
                        Je -- re -- mi -- ah Jones a la -- dy’s man was he
                        Ev -- ’ry pret -- ty girl he loved to spoon;
                        Till he found a wife and down be -- side the
                    \addlyrics { \set stanza = #"2. "
                        Je -- re -- mi -- ah took his wife’s mam -- ma one night:
                        Round to see a mov -- ing pic -- ture show:
                        There up -- on the screen a pic -- ture came in
                    \addlyrics { \set stanza = #"3. "
                        Je -- re -- mi -- ah now has set -- tled down in life,
                        Said Good -- bye to frills and fur -- be -- lows:
                        Nev -- er thinks of girls ex -- cept his dar -- ling
                    \addlyrics { \set stanza = \markup { \italic { Extra Verse. } }
                        Christ -- mas pan -- to -- mime were Jones -- ’s chief de -- light,
                        Once he mad -- ly loved the Fair -- y Queen;
                        There be -- hind the scenes he spoon’d with her one
                >> }
        { \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Piano." } <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c'' {
                        \clef treble \key f \major
                        \time 6/8
                        \bar ".|:"
                        \repeat segno 2 {
                            ^\markup { \musicglyph "scripts.segno" \italic{Till ready.}}
                            \stemUp <c a f>4 \f <d a f>8 <c a f>4 <a f>8 |
                            <g c, a>4. ~ <g c, a>4 <f c a>8 |
                            <c' bf e,>8[ <c bf e,> <c bf e,>] <d bf f>4 \stemDown <e bf g>8 |
                            \stemUp <d bf f>4 <c bf e,>8 <a e>4 <g e>8 |
                        \bar ":|."
                        <c a f>4 \mp <d a f>8 <c a f>4 <a f>8 |
                        <g c, a>4. ~ <g c, a>4 <f c a>8 |
                        <f bf,>4 <e bf>8 <ds bf>4 <e bf>8 |
                        <c' bf e,>4. ~ <c bf e,> |
                        <c e,>4 <g e>8 <fs ds>4 <g e>8 |
                        <c e,>4 <g e>8 <fs ds>4 <g e>8 |
                        <a f>4 <c a f>8 <e a, f>4 <d a f>8 |
                        <d a f>8[ <c a f> <e a, f>] <d a f>4 <c a f>8 |
                        <c a f>4 <d a f>8 <c a f>4 <a f>8 |
                        <g c, a>4. ~ <g c, a>4 <f c a>8 |
                        <f b,> <e b>8 <ds b>4 <e b>8 |
                >> }
                % multiple voices on page 3
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c' {
                        \clef treble \key f \major
                        \time 6/8
                        \repeat segno 2 {
                            s2. |
                            s |
                            s |
                            s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                >> }
            >> }
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c, {
                        \clef bass \key f \major
                        \time 6/8
                        \repeat segno 2 {
                            \stemUp f4 c'8 c,4 c'8 |
                            f,4 c'8 c,4 c'8 |
                            \stemDown c'4 c8 d4 e8 |
                            d4 c8 c4 bf8 |
                        \stemUp f,4 c'8 c,4 c'8 |
                        f,4 c'8 c,4 c'8 |
                        g4 c8 c,4 c'8 |
                        g4 c8 c,4 c'8 |
                        \stemDown <bf' c,>4 <bf c,>8 <a c,>4 <bf c,>8 |
                        <bf c,>4 <bf c,>8 <a c,>4 <bf c,>8 |
                        \stemUp \grace{f8(} \stemDown a4) c8 e4 d8 |
                        d[ c e] d4 c8 |
                        \stemUp f,,4 c'8 c,4 c'8 |
                        f,4 c'8 c,4 a'8 |
                        gs4 \stemDown e'8 \stemUp gs,4 \stemDown e'8 |
                >> }
                % multiple voices on page 3
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c {
                        \clef bass \key f \major
                        \time 6/8
                        \repeat segno 2 {
                            s2. |
                            s |
                            s |
                            s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                >> }
            >> }
        >> }
    >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
\score {
  \layout {
    \context {
      \consists Measure_spanner_engraver
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }
Jeremiah Jones, a lady’s man was he
Ev’ry pretty girl he loved to spoon;
Till he found a wife and down beside the

Jeremiah took his wife’s mamma one night:
Round to see a moving picture show:
There upon the screen a picture came in

Jeremiah now has settled down in life,
Said Goodbye to frills and furbelows:
Never thinks of girls except his darling

Extra verse.
Christmas pantomime were Jones’s chief delight,
Once he madly loved the Fairy Queen;
There behind the scenes, he spoon’d with her one

Copyright, 1913, by B. Feldman & Co.

For the United States of America and Canada by B. Feldman & Co. For all other Countries B. Feldman & Co., London, England.

All Rights Reserved. All Mechanical and Performing Rights Strictly Reserved.