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A. Yes: The sins of my thoughts, words and actions, should particularly be acknowledged.

Q. In what words can you confess the Sins of your thoughts?

A. O Lord, the thoughts and imaginations of my heart are evil continually. Gen. 6. 3.

Vain thoughts have long lodged in my heart Jer. 4. 14.

Q. How may you Confess the Sins of your words?

A. I have not kept my tongue from evill, nor my lips from speaking guile Psal. 34. 13.

Lord my tongue is an unruly member: a World of iniquity committed by it. Ja. 3. 6. 8.

My mouth dayly uttereth vanitie. Psal. 144. 8.

Q. What are the Sins of your actions, you should confess?

A. All of them both secret and open.

Q. In what words can you confess your secret faults?

A. Lord, I am guilty of many secret Sins: which none but thy All-seeing eye and my own conscience was privy to. Psal. 19. 12.

I have had fellowship with the unfruitfull works of darkness. Eph. 5. 11.

Lord I am ashamed to speak of these things which I hove done in Secret. Eph. 5. 12.

Q. In what words should you confess your open Sinns?
