Page:Hemans Miscellaneous Poetry 5.pdf/3

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    Yet not for this, O Death!
    Not for the vernal breath
Of winds, that shake forth music from the trees;
    Not for the splendour given
    To Night's dark regal heaven,
Spoiler! I ask thee not reprieve for these.

    But for the happy love
Whose light, where'er I rove,
Kindles all nature to a sudden smile,
    Shedding on branch and flower
    A rainbow-tinted shower
Of richer life—spare, spare me yet awhile!

    Too soon, too fast thou'rt come!
    Too beautiful is home,
A home of gentle voices and kind eyes!
    And I the loved of all,
    On whom fond blessings fall
From every lip—oh wilt thou rend such ties?

    Sweet Sisters! weave a chain
    My spirit to detain;
Hold me to earth with strong affection back!
    Bind me with mighty love
    Unto the stream, the grove,
Our daily paths—our life's familiar track!

    Stay with me—gird me round!
    Your voices bear a sound
Of hope—a light comes with you and departs;
    Hush my soul's boding knell
    That murmurs of farewell!
How can I leave this ring of kindest hearts?

    Death! Grave! and are there those
    That woo your dark repose
Midst the rich beauty of the glowing earth?
    Surely about them lies
    No world of loving eyes—
Leave me, oh! leave me unto home and hearth!