Page:Hendryx--Connie Morgan with the Mounted.djvu/175

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The Prisoner

arrest. But at the very first words of the woman that reached his ears he dismissed the thought, for he suddenly realized that he had not only the two men to deal with but the woman also, and that her brain, in all probability, was the most resourceful of the three.

"Have you told him, Jack?" she asked, and the man smiled as he shook his head. "Well, you go right this minute and tell him or I will! He's the bravest and gamest little boy in the world! You should have seen him come staggering out of the woods with his blouse all on fire, and without waiting to put it out, start to help me launch the boat. And I never could have done it alone—Jackie, and I—could we, Jackie?" She caught up the youngster and covered his face with kisses.

"Big boat!" the little fellow cried, and pointed toward the scow, partially drawn onto the bank. The man laughed aloud.

"All right, I'll tell him." He motioned to Connie, who drew nearer. "It's kind of worrying you, ain't it, kid, to figure out how you are going to hold us till your pals come?"

Connie met his smile with a level stare. "Not a bit," he prevaricated; "I could hold a dozen like