Page:Hendryx--Connie Morgan with the Mounted.djvu/201

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Connie Puts One Over

caution. The man was determined to outwit the Mounted, and cross the International Boundary into Alaska. But the details of his bold undertaking had not yet been fully worked out. Therefore, Connie's offer appealed to the man strongly. Not only would it afford a means of transportation but the adventure appealed to him. With the pick of B Division guarding the passes, the interior of the Yukon country was the safest place he could possibly be. And what a chance to put one over on his ancient enemies! To travel through the country as a guest of the Mounted, when from the boundary to the Arctic, and from Hudson Bay to the Pacific, every officer in the service was on the qui vive to effect his arrest!

Notorious Bishop grinned into the camp-fire. At the moment of the boy's offer he had decided to accept it, and it was only to avoid the appearance of eagerness that he delayed his answer until morning. He would play the adventure to the limit and later from some far-off point of safety, would write thanking the Mounted for its hospitality. The man knocked the ashes from his pipe, and as he drew his blanket over him, glanced across the fire at the sleeping boy.