Page:Hendryx--Connie Morgan with the Mounted.djvu/211

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Connie Puts One Over

the Superintendent who was upon his feet staring incredulously from the man to the boy.

The prospector was the first to speak, and Connie marvelled at the consummate assurance of him as he smiled into the Superintendent's face.

"Kid's kind of had this feller on his mind, I guess, 'til it's turned his head," he said, with a wink.

"Yes," interrupted the boy, "I haven't had much else on my mind for more than a week. But it hasn't turned my head any—not so you could notice it! You thought you had me fooled, didn't you? You thought because I was a boy you could run another one of your whizzers, but you can't get away with it, this time—not with me you can't! We'll just hold you 'til Dan McKeever comes. He knows you, all right."

"McKeever!" cried the man in sudden alarm. "Why he belongs down on—." Suddenly he checked himself, and the Superintendent with a puzzled look motioned the two constables to the man's side. "This is an outrage!" stormed the prospector as he felt his arms seized from behind. "Who is McKeever? An' what's he got to do with it?" For an answer the Superintendent smiled.

"We will let him answer that question for him-