Page:Hendryx--Connie Morgan with the Mounted.djvu/225

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Trail of the "Demon's Heart"

tion to this matter because the Tilton Lake Indians are beginning to resent the invasion of their hunting grounds; and while there has been no open hostility, trouble may break out at any minute. Also, because the Red Tail Lake country is winter range for thousands of barren-ground caribou which are the main dependence of these people for meat, and if the Indians are not made to return to that section, the forthcoming cold weather will cause a great deal of suffering among them.

"'I should have investigated this matter myself, but I am alone at the post, my clerk having gone outside with the brigade. I am, sir,

"'Faithfully yours,
"'T. J. MacFarland, chief trader,
"'H. B. C. at Tilton Lake.'

"So you see," said the Superintendent, "that it is up to us to straighten this business out. Your job will be to mush over there, shoo the ghost out of the woods, and round the Red Tail Lake Injuns back to their own stamping ground. Red Tail Lake is only forty or fifty miles north of Tilton Lake Post, and I advise that you swing around and have a talk with MacFarland before you visit Red Tail Lake. Better talk with the Indians, too. Take Ick Far along. Use your own judgment when you get there, and if you find that any