Page:Henry Derozio, the Eurasian, poet, teacher, and journalist. With appendices (IA henryderozioeura00edwarich).pdf/57

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partly demonstrated by the teaching of Derozio, before Duff reached India. The great truths and wide speculations opened out by the study of moral philosophy had been unfolded in a series of lectures to which crowded hundreds of English-speaking Hindoo youths, delivered by Derozio at the invitation of David Hare,— all this, before Duff's voice was heard addressing a native English-speaking assembly. It is a curious distortion of fact to assert as Dr. George Smith in his life of Duff does, that the college watched over and fostered by David Hare, and in which Derozio, as a teacher, effected so much, was a college which Ram Mohun Roy was ashamed to patronize." Ram Mohun Roy and David Hare lived through life in the greatest amity and mutual respect. It was David Hare's niece who nursed the Rajah in his last illness; and Bedford Square, the home of Hare's two brothers, was the home of Ram Mohun Roy during his stay in England; while one of them accompanied him to France on the occasion of his visit to Paris. It was the persuasion of David Hare backed by the influence of Sir Edward Hyde East, and the strong common sense of Ram Mohun Roy, which made him withdraw from a movement, the earlier stages of which he had fostered, being fully persuaded, that if his name appeared on the committee of management the objects of the Institution would be frustrated.