Page:Henry Ford's Own Story.djvu/198

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tual helpfulness these are the real, practical things. These are the things on which we can build, surely and firmly. These are the things which will last. These are the things which will pay.

"I have proved them over and over again in my own life. Other men, so far as they have trusted them have proved them. America has built on them the richest, most successful nation in the world to-day. Just so far as we continue to trust them, to build on them, we will continue to be prosperous and successful.

"I know this. If my life has taught me anything at all, it has taught me that. I will spend every ounce of energy I have, every hour of my life, in the effort to prove it to other people. Only so far as we all believe it, only so far as we all use our strength and our abilities, not to hurt, but to help, other peoples, will we help ourselves."

This is the end of my story, and the beginning of Henry Ford s biggest fight.

the end