Page:Henry IV Part 1 (1917) Yale.djvu/103

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King Henry the Fourth, IV. iii

Doug.Yea, or to-night.


Hot. To-night, say I.

Ver. Come, come, it may not be. I wonder much, 16
Being men of such great leading as you are,
That you foresee not what impediments
Drag back our expedition: certain horse
Of my cousin Vernon's are not yet come up: 20
Your uncle Worcester's horse came but to-day;
And now their pride and mettle is asleep,
Their courage with hard labour tame and dull,
That not a horse is half the half of himself. 24

Hot. So are the horses of the enemy
In general, journey-bated and brought low:
The better part of ours are full of rest.

Wor. The number of the king exceedeth ours:
For God's sake, cousin, stay till all come in. 29

The trumpet sounds a parley.
Enter Sir Walter Blunt.

Blunt. I come with gracious offers from the king,
If you vouchsafe me hearing and respect.

Hot. Welcome, Sir Walter Blunt; and would to God 32
You were of our determination!
Some of us love you well; and even those some
Envy your great deservings and good name,
Because you are not of our quality, 36
But stand against us like an enemy.

Blunt. And God defend but still I should stand so,
So long as out of limit and true rule
You stand against anointed majesty. 40

17 leading: generalship
26 journey-bated: wearied with travel
31 respect: attention
36 quality: profession, party
38 defend: forbid