Page:Henry Mayers Hyndman and William Morris - A Summary of the Principles of Socialism (1884).djvu/63

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same ideas are abroad. In Germany, France, Scandinavia, Russia, Italy, Spain, far away in the ancient empires of Asia, as well as in America, and the other flourishing Colonies of our days, the labourers stretch out their hands to one another for help, co-operation and encouragement in the struggle which. manifestly draws near. Confident in their cause the Socialists alone of modern parties can march steadily forward in international comity, to the assurance of victory for all.

Thus then, based upon science and political economy, rejoicing in the beauty of an enfranchised art, with our social creed as our only religion—the scientific organisation of labour, and the universal brotherhood of man—we appeal to men and women of all classes, all creeds and all nationalities to join us in the struggle wherein none can fail, to prepare for themselves, and for their children a nobler, higher lot than has hitherto been theirs, and to pass on to countless generations that joy, that beauty and that perfect contentment which can arise from true Socialism alone.

Signed the Executive Committee of the Democratic Federation.

E. Belfort Bax. J. L. Joynes.
Herbert Burrows. Tom. S. Lemon.
R. D. Butler. James Macdonald.
H. H. Champion, William Morris,
Hon. Secretary. Hon. Treasurer
W. J. Clark, James F. Murray.
Lecture Secretary. H. Quelch.
H. A. Fuller. A. Scheu.
H. M. Hyndman, Helen Taylor.
Chairman. John E. Williams.