Page:Henry Mulford Tichenor - A Wave of Horror (1912).djvu/11

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stop, don't look at all—it might change your polities, upset your religion and make a rebel out of you.

Better, if you belong to the privileged few, eat, drink and be merry and go to heaven with Pierpont Morgan when you die—maybe. Unless, perchance, there be, after all, a grain of truth in the words of Him who said, "Depart from me, ye cursed. For I was an hungered, and ye gave me no meat; I was thirsty and ye gave me no drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; naked and ye clothed me not."

But apparently Jesus has been fixed by the church so his words don’t amount to anything, anyway.

All you need do to be saved is to be baptized and say your prayers.

From the viewpoint of successful capitalism, His talk about peace on earth and good will toward men is all rot.

Go into your postoffice in this, our Christian nation, and read the "Murderers Wanted" signs, if you don't believe it.

Your boy can have an opportunity to enlist and go out and shoot somebody, or get shot himself, for $16 a month if he is strong and able-bodied.

This beats "peace on earth" and "brotherhood of man" to a frazzle.


I do not believe in all this land anybody felt worse than I did when the news of James MeNamara's confession came. I could not believe that any member of the working class would resort to the savage methods of the capitalist class. It's hard to accept it. But what galled me most was the wave of horror that was immediately set in motion in the capitalist press and pulpit by a parcel of wolves that have countenanced all their lives all kinds of heartless murder, from the starving