Page:Henry Mulford Tichenor - A Wave of Horror (1912).djvu/13

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I give my pledge, my life, that the earth shall belong to all, and feed and clothe all in Brotherhood and not War.

This is the lesson in the MeNamara ease, if lesson were needed.


This Wave of Horror that swept the land because James McNamara confessed that he blew up the Los Angeles Times building, and thereby killed 21 men—do not let this wave depart until it engulfs all manner of murder and outrage that a society of class rule breeds.

Do not let it depart until it arouses you to the crime of one class doing all the useful work and another class taking the proceeds.

In all this world of murder there is but one cure for murder, that is, Socialism.

The trial is over at Los Angeles, Job Harriman, the Socialist, was defeated after its sensational ending, but the capitalist system of hate and murder goes on.

Because the MeNamaras have dropped off the map, do not for a moment imagine your morbid hunger for murder stories need cease to be gratified.

Your Wave of Horror can still go on doing business at the old stand.

Pick up your capitalist paper—you are possibly too poor to take a Socialist paper at 50 cents a year, so you take a capitalist sheet at 50 cents a month—and read it.

See anything about murders?

You will find enough about preventable mine disasters, railroad wrecks and burning fire traps to fill all our penitentiaries, were the greedy horde who care more for dollars than human lives brought to justice, leave alone the horrible war news around the world.