Page:Henry Mulford Tichenor - A Wave of Horror (1912).djvu/29

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McNamara and his class own nothing but their labor power and hungry stomachs.

The class that owns the tools loans them—gives the jobs—to those who are willing to use them for the least returns—the lowest wages.

The lower the wages, the higher the profits.

The game is to force the wages of the working class down, so as to send the profits of the capitalist class up.

This isn't conducive to brotherhood and peace; this is out-and-out fratricide and class war.

This is war at home; turn back and read what Chauncey Depew said brought on war abroad. War abroad is to force more markets wherein to sell the stolen products of labor—the products that labor should have had for its own use—so as to create more profits for the useless class.

The devil himself couldn’t have arranged anything more abominable than our social system.

It is a system of legalized robbery maintained by legalized murder.

Socialism proposes to establish a fraternal government of the working class, the chief purpose of which government shall be to operate the great industries of the nation and return to the workers the full product of their toil.

Socialism is not vindictive, nor does it ask of the capitalist class amends for past wrongs to the workers.

On the contrary, Socialism is generous to the limit—it invites the predatory class to join the working class and become part of the working class, that there may finally be but one class—all comrades.

After all, there are not many of the capitalist class. They are few in number. The great majority, the workers, can soon absorb them.

The savage owned the earth and its products in common—and shall not we, with our vastly improved ma-