Page:Henry Mulford Tichenor - A Wave of Horror (1912).djvu/9

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parades of people from other empires and other lands? The American people produce two thousand million dollars' worth more than we consume, and we have met the emergency, and by the providence of God, by the statesmanship of William McKinley and by the valor of Roosevelt and his associates, we have our market in China, we have our market in Porto Rico, we have our market in Hawaii, we have our market in the Philippines".

How do you like that sort of news, you chloroformed victim of the greatest aggregation of saints that ever composed a God-fearing, Christian nation?

We produce "two thousand million dollars' worth more that we can consume" and so we go out to murder and call it war, and preachers pray God to help our side—to help us butcher "the enemy"—so we can sell the things our own workingmen and women are too poor to buy.

Does any Wave of Horror sweep over you when you meditate on this?

It's awful to think that James McNamara could have blown up the Los Angeles Times building and kill 21 men, even though he thought the building was owned by an enemy of his and his craft.

Mind, I admit all this with you—I abhor murder.

But what of your "Christian" government murdering the Filipinos so we could sell them the goods the wage earners of America created, but did not own?

This is all right, isn't it?

Didn't Chauncey Depew, and he a devout Christian, say it was?

He said it was fine—said it was a "providence of God," and didn't need any wave of horror to follow in the wake. As the poet puts it,