Page:Henry Mulford Tichenor - The Buddhist Philosophy of Life.djvu/27

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I exhort you to avoid the ten evils.

I. Kill not, but have regard for life.

II. Steal not, neither do you cheat; but help all to be the owner of the fruits of his labor.

III. Abstain from impurity; let your lives be chaste.

IV. Lie not, but be truthful. Speak the truth fearlessly, but with a loving heart.

V. Start no evil reports, neither repeat those heard. Slander not, but look for the good in your fellow-beings, so that you may defend them against their enemies.

VI. Swear not, but speak with dignity.

VII. Waste not your time with gossip; speak to a purpose, or remain silent.

VIII. Covet not, nor envy; but rejoice at the welfare of others.

IX. Cleanse your heart of malice, and cherish no hatred, not even against your enemies; treat all living creatures with kindness.

X. Become free from ignorance; learn the truth; that you may find the noble path that leads to life eternal.


This is the Dhammapada—the path pursued by those who are followers of the Buddha.

Human beings derive their character from their mind. They are mind-made. Mind is the source of both good and evil.