Page:Henry Mulford Tichenor - The Buddhist Philosophy of Life.djvu/63

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This page needs to be proofread.
  • 42 From Monkey to Man. Baudelaire.
  • 189 Eugenics. Ellis.
  • 107 How to Strengthen Mind and Memory.
  • 108 How to Develop a Healthy Mind.
  • 109 How to Develop a Strong Will.
  • 110 How to Develop a Magnetic Personality.
  • 111 How to Attract Friends.
  • 112 How to Be a Leader of Others.
  • 140 Biology and Spiritual Philosophy. Tichenor.
  • 275 The Building of the Earth

Series of Debates

  • 11 Debate on Religion. John H. Holmes and George Bowne.
  • 39 Did Jesus Ever Live?
  • 130 Controversy on Christianity. Ingersoll and Gladstone.
  • 43 Marriage and Divorce. Horace Greeley and Robert Owen.
  • 208 Debate on Birth Control. Mrs. Sanger and Winter Russell.
  • 129 Rome or Reason. Ingersoll and Manning.
  • 122 Spiritualism. Conan Doyle and McCabe.
  • 171 Has Life Meaning?
  • 200 Capitalism vs. Socialism. Seligman and Nearing.
  • 13 Is Free Will a Fact or a Fallacy?
  • 234 McNeal-Sinclair Debate on Socialism.
  • 141 Would Practice of Christ's Teachings Make for Social Progress? Nearing and Ward.


  • 192 Book of Synonyms.
  • 25 Rhyming Dictionary.
  • 78 How to Be an Orator.
  • 82 Common Faults in Writing English.
  • 127 What Expectant Mothers Should Know.
  • 81 Care of the Baby.
  • 136 Child Training.
  • 137 Home Nursing.
  • 14 What Every Girl Should Know. Mrs. Sanger.
  • 34 Case for Birth Control.
  • 91 Manhood: Facts of Life Presented to Men.
  • 83 Marriage Past, Present and Future. Besant.
  • 74 On Threshold of Sex.
  • 98 How to Love.
  • 172 Evolution of Love. Key.
  • 203 Rights of Women. Ellis.
  • 209 Aspects of Birth Control. Medical, Moral, Sociological.
  • 143 Pope Leo on Socialism.
  • 152 Foundations of Labor Movement. Phillips.
  • 30 What Life Means to Me. Jack London.
  • 93 How to Live 100 Years.
  • 167 Plutarch on Health.