Page:Henry VI Part 2 (1923) Yale.djvu/93

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King Henry the Sixth, IV. ii

to dress the commonwealth, and turn it, and set
a new nap upon it. 8

Holl. So he had need, for 'tis threadbare.
Well, I say it was never merry world in England
since gentlemen came up.

Bevis. O miserable age! Virtue is not regarded 12
in handicraftsmen.

Holl. The nobility think scorn to go in
leather aprons.

Bevis. Nay, more; the king's council are no 16
good workmen.

Holl. True; and yet it is said, 'Labour in thy
vocation': which is as much to say as, let the
magistrates be labouring men; and therefore 20
should we be magistrates.

Bevis. Thou hast hit it; for there's no better
sign of a brave mind than a hard hand.

Holl. I see them! I see them! There's 24
Best's son, the tanner of Wingham,—

Bevis. He shall have the skins of our enemies
to make dog's-leather of.

Holl. And Dick the butcher,— 28

Bevis. Then is sin struck down like an ox, and
iniquity's throat cut like a calf.

Holl. And Smith the weaver,—

Bevis. Argo, their thread of life is spun. 32

Holl. Come, come, let's fall in with them.

Drum. Enter Cade, Dick Butcher, Smith the Weaver, and a Sawyer, with infinite numbers.

Cade. We John Cade, so termed of our sup-
posed father,

11 came up: came into fashion
32 Argo: ergo, therefore