Page:Henry rideout--The siamese cat.djvu/218

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He had begun to enjoy himself, and the sailor to puff somewhat, when the bell rang and the loud talk broke out.

Relaxed in a chair, he submitted his face to the mopping of the second, who chatted steadily: "You're all right … but didn't I tell you not to mix it … plain straight counter that got you first … child's play … I thought 'twas all off.… That was a shore way o' doin' things, wasn't it?…" Flapping his towel punkah-wise, he fanned vigorously. "Don't you try that no more, now.… Put your right hand to him … mind what I tell you … lick him yet.… Hear that? He said that he didn't expect no second round!"

On the billiard cloth Chao Phya sat blinking. He gave a cavernous, pink yawn, then started nervously as the Scotch-

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