Page:Henry rideout--The siamese cat.djvu/94

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"Aren't we wandering rather far?" asked Laura. It was not the subject uppermost in her mind.

"We're not lost," replied Scarlett. "This is the way we chased the coolie." It was not at all his uppermost thought.

They dug listlessly, in silence.

"Mr. Scarlett," began the girl resolutely. "I've thought over what you said aboard ship."

"So have I," said Owen, in great relief. "And been thoroughly ashamed. You're very good—I didn't hope to see you again after that—and—and—"

"It was rather a cheeky thing to do, wasn't it?" Her tone was cool, her blue eyes shone with uncompromising candour.

"No two opinions about that," he admitted ruefully. "Just brazen cheek."

To his surprise, she laughed clear and joyful.

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