Page:Herbert Jenkins - Return of Alfred.djvu/279

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"IS this your doing, John?" Mrs. Compton-Stacey- held out to her brother a copy of The Times folded so as to give prominence to the agony column, at the same time pointing to an advertisement which read:

JAMES SMITH. Wanted news of one calling him- self James Smith (known to be an alias), last seen in the neighbourhood of Winchester on June 23rd, with suit-case, kit-bag and rain-coat. Age 28, height 5 ft. 10 in., fair, blue eyes, attractive personality. A reward of 25 will be paid for news that will lead to the discovery of the present whereabouts of the said James Smith. Apply to Truelove and Murchison, Solicitors, 384, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.

"Well, what's the matter with it?" demanded Sir John Hildreth, with the truculence of one who already stands self-condemned.

"Is Mr. Murchison responsible for the literary part?" enquired Mrs. Compton-Stacey, as she replaced the paper on the table.

"No, he's not," was the curt reply. "I'm not a fool that I have to go to my solicitor to draw ur> an advertisement."