Page:Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus Vol I (IA cu31924092287121).djvu/199

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Concerning the Nature of Things.

appetite, her fear or dread, the unborn child in her body with supernatural signs by means of their own close contact. These are called mothers' marks, or uterine marks. We have spoken of these before, so spare ourselves the labour of repetition, since it is our purpose to treat of physiognomical signs alone, among which we understand those signs of men the like whereof neither the father nor the mother have borne in their body. Of this class are black or grey eyes, too small or too large; a long, crooked, or sharp-pointed nose; hollows in the jaws, high cheekbones, a flat or broad nose, small or large ears, a long neck, an oblong face, a mouth large and drawn down; hair thick or fine, abundant or scanty, black, yellow, of red, etc. Of these signs, if one or more appear in a man, be sure that he will not lack the qualities signified thereby. Only you must judge them according to the rules of physiognomy, and have had experience in the art of signature, according to which you can judge a man by outward signs.

Descending, then, to the practical portion of our subject, let us repeat a few of these signs and their signification.

Black eyes not only denote a healthy constitution, but also, for the most part, a constant mind free from doubt and fear, healthy and hearty, truthful and loving virtue.

Grey eyes are the sign of a crafty man, ambiguous and inconsistent. Weak eyes denote good counsels, clever and profound deliberations, and so on. Bright eyes, which turn up, down, and to both sides, denote a false, clever man, who cannot be deceived, faithless, shirking work, desirous of ease, seeking to gain his livelihood in laziness, by gambling, usury, impurity, theft, and the like.

Small eyes, somewhat deeply sunk, indicate weak sight, and often impending blindness in old age. At the same time, they denote brave men, bellicose, crafty, and adroit, factious, capable of enduring misfortune, and whose departure from life is, for the most part, of a tragic character.

Large eyes denote a greedy, voracious man, especially if they project far out of the head.

Eyes which are constantly winking indicate weak sight, a timid and careful man. Eyes which move quickly hither and thither, under the glance of men, indicate an amorous heart, provident, and of quick invention.

Eyes continually cast down show a reverential and modest man.

Red eyes show a bold, brave man.

Glittering eyes, which do not move readily, point out a hero, a high-minded, brave, quick man, formidable to his foes.

Large ears indicate good hearing, retentive memory, attention, diligence, a healthy brain and head.

Depressed ears are a bad sign. For the most part they point out a man who is malicious, fraudulent, and unjust. They indicate bad hearing, treacherous memory, and a man who readily exposes himself to danger.