Page:Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus Vol I (IA cu31924092287121).djvu/275

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A Book about Minerals.

and silver, indeed, are of one and the same primal matter; but the same distinction supervenes as exists between a man and a woman.

Concerning Jove.

Of the generation of Jove it should be known that it is produced from fixed white Sulphur, fixed Salt, and from Mercury that is not fixed; and for this reason, because Jupiter is fixed according to body, but not in the substance of Mercury. It loses all its fusion and malleability. Afterwards it ceases to be a metal; for the metallic spirit is separated therefrom by Art. As soon as ever this has been done, it is nothing else but white Sulphur, and Salt, and dried Mercury.

Concerning Saturn.

Saturn is born from a black, sulphurous, and dense body beyond all other metals. On account of its density it consists of the thickest Mercury and the most fluid Salt, so that there is received into Saturn the most fluid body of Sulphur, Salt, and Mercury. These same, moreover, are the three most dense natures of all the metals. If this metal be dissolved and ceases to be lead, it becomes ceruse, spirit of Saturn, lead ochre, and finally glass. It consists of three colours, the lemon colour it gets from Sulphur, and the white from Mercury. It gets its spirit from Salt, and from all together its vitreous nature, just as all the metals have.

Concerning Iron and Steel.

On the other hand, iron is generated from the least fluid Sulphur, Salt, and Mercury, being the very opposite of tin and lead. It is coagulated into a hard metal, and copulated in itself. For two metals are joined together in one, iron and steel. Iron is feminine and steel masculine. This conjugation resembles that of gold and silver, that is to say, the male and female grow together. They can, therefore, be in their turn separated, the female to her sex, the male to his. The female can be applied to her uses, and the male to his in like manner.

Concerning Venus.

Copper is generated from purple Sulphur, red Salt, and yellow Mercury. If these three colours be mixed with one another, copper is produced. Now, copper contains within itself its own female element, that is, its scoriæ. If these are separated by Art, and the body reduced, it comes out male. The nature of each constituent is such that the male does not suffer itself to be again destroyed, and the female no longer emits scoriæ. They differ from one another in fluxibility and malleability, as iron and steel differ. If that separation be made, and each consigned to its own nature, two metals are produced, differing altogether in essence, species, and properties.


Such and so many in number are the metals, as I have reckoned them up, namely, gold, silver, tin, lead, iron, steel, female copper, and male