Page:Hermione and her little group of serious thinkers (1923, c1916).djvu/119

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Hermione's Salon Opens

Clairvoyant, Cubist Bug and Burlapped Greek,
Souse Socialists and queens with bright green hair,
Ginks leading barbered Art Dogs trimmed and sleek,
The Greenwich Stable Dwellers, Mule and Mare,
Pale Anarchs, tamed and wrapped in evening duds,
Philosophers who go wherever suds
Flow free, musicians hunting after eats,
And sandaled dames who hang from either ear
Strange lumps—"art jools"—the size of pickled beets,
Writers that write not, hunting Atmosphere,
Painters and sculptors that ne'er paint nor sculp,
Reformers taking notes on Brainstorm Slum,
Cave Men in Windsor Ties, all gauche and glum,
With strong iron jaws that crush their food to pulp,
And bright Boy Cynics playing paradox,
And th' inevitable She that knitteth Belgian socks—
A score of little groups!—all bees that hum
About the futile blooms of Piffledom.


A wan Erotic Rotter told me that
The World could not be Saved except through Sin;
A she Eugenist, sexless, flabby, fat,
With burst veins winding through unhealthy skin,
