Page:Hermione and her little group of serious thinkers (1923, c1916).djvu/141

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Souls and Toes

"Ah, Italy; oh, Italy!" cried Fothy Finch,
"Oh, never cease to move… Italy… garlic… Venice…
Oh, bind my brows with garlic, lovely land, and turn me loose!"
And as the toe called Italy still moved
The little groups made it into a chant, and sang:
"Oh, bind my brows with garlic, love, and turn me loose!"

* * *

"Hermione," I asked her afterward,
"Did you really see and feel anything when those educated toes wiggled?"
"How can you ask?" she said, very up-stagey.
"Hermione," I said, "we are old enough friends by this time, so we can deal frankly with one another. Tell me on the square… did you get it?"
"You are blaspheming at the shrine of Art!" she said.
"Hermione! You are dodging!"
"Did you notice," she said irrelevantly, "the nail polish she was using?
"It's quite the latest thing! For finger nails, too, you know. That delicate rose pink, with just the touch of creaminess in it! It's the creamy tint that's new, you know. Isn't it just simply wonderful!"
