Page:Hermione and her little group of serious thinkers (1923, c1916).djvu/163

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The Bourgeois Element and Background

discuss Genetics in the abstract. But to connect the discussion with the marriage of a friend is not, to my mind, the proper thing at all!"

Did you ever hear of anything more utterly inconsistent?

Oh, Consistency! Consistency! Isn't Consistency perfectly wonderful!

But that is always the way when it comes to a discussion of Sex. The Bourgeois Element are never Fundamental and Thorough in their treatment of Sex, if you know what I mean.

And, as Fothergil Finch says, in this country we are nearly all Bourgeois.

We have not enough Background for one thing.

If all the little groups the country over would take up the matter of Background in a serious way, something might be done about it, don't you think?

We must organize—we who are the intellectual leaders, you know—and start an effective propaganda for the purpose of obtaining more Background.