Page:Herr Glessner Creel - Tricks of the Press (1911).djvu/18

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is "doped." It is not truthful. That is the evidence which cleared Shippy. It enabled him to go free long enough to resign as Chief of Police, skip the country and stay away until it was safe to return. Men have been hung on similar "evidence." A good lawyer can hang you on such evidence. This is a photograph in a capitalist newspaper—the kind you read.

Say, a lot of you nodded your heads wisely when 1 said the newspapers of today couldn't repeat the Moon Hoax of 1835. Look at that picture again and see if they can't. They can. And they do. And you're the people who furnish the funds by which they do it.

In the future don't be too sure about the pictures, the photographs, you see in the papers. Look for the motive behind them. You'll learn something.

Why, see here: You remember the shooting of Mayor Gaynor of New York City. You know he was shot in the back of the neck. You know nothing of the sort. Here's the Chicago "Tribune" for Wednesday, August 11, with a picture of the wounded mayor with blood streaming down his face. Then he must have been shot from in front and not from behind. The type stories tell you one thing and the pictures tell you another. Pass that paper around.

Another thing: You know that the assassin of the Mayor was an Irish-American named Gallagher. He was rather a portly individual. He could not be called a tall man. You know these things. You think you do? You've read them in the papers. Well, here's something the people of New York City read in the New York "Journal" on the day of the shooting:

The Mayor was sitting in his cabin at the time. A tall man, with a mustache and appearing to be about fifty-six years old, came along. He stopped and looked at the party as though he were gazing out of curiosity at the Mayor.

Then the man suddenly drew a revolver and fired. He was within two feet of Mr. Gaynor at the time. The bullet struck the Mayor in the temple and he toppled over into his wife's arms.

Why, you've been reading out here that the Mayor was on deck when he was shot; this says he was in his cabin! Your papers told you he was shot in the back of