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History of the United Statfs; Life of Archbishop Hughes; The Lif«' of Pope Pius Ninth; an«i A Pickwickian Pilgrimage. He (lied

April 18, 1888. in

New York


Hassard, Samuel, clergyman, was born Jan, 21. 180(5. in .Famaica. W.I. He was promoting the largely instrumental in growth of the protectant epim-opal clmrcli in New Kngland. A volume of his sermons was published after liis death, with a me-

moir of Henry W. Lee.





1847, in (treat Barrington. .Mass. Hassaurek, Friedrich, lawyer, journalist. di{>lomat. author, was horn in 18:}2. Me was a journalint and lawyer of Cincinnati. Ohio; and in 1801-6(5 was minister to Kcuador. He was the author of Four Years Among the Spanish-Americans; and The .Secret of the .^ndes. He died Oct. 3, 1885, in Paris. France.

Hasse, Adelaide, librarian, author, was born in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 18117 she has be»'n

librarian of the diM-tunent department of New York |»ublic library. .She is the author «)f Hibliograjiby OlVcial Publications of Colonial New York Hibliography of the Public .rchives of the ThirttMti Original States; and editor of Indexes of Kconomic



ments of the


the Carn<'gie institution, the publicain

tion to be com|dete in tifty-one volumes.

Toovay Nelsson, clergyman, was born March He was president of the Swedish seminary at Paxton, HI. He was Hasselquist,

college president, founder,

2. 181(5, in


one of the foumlers of the Sandinavian Augustana svno<l and its proiding otlicer in

He died Feb. 4, 18!M. in Rock IH(K)-70. Island, HI. Hassler, Mrs. Elizabeth Emily, litterateur, author, was born Jan. 27, 18r».'>. in Batavia. HI. She is the wife of Dr. Ferdinaml A. Hassler. Since 1883 she has been engaged as a writer of fiction for magazines and

newspapers. Hassler,




physi<'ian. inventor, author, was born March 1844. in the Marine liospital of which his (5.

father had charge as surgeon of the I'nited States navy, near Norfolk. Va. He was educated in the private scluads of Washington. D.C.. and at the university of Pennsylvania. Tn 18')6-(52 he was n page in the Cnited States senate: and in 1800 received the degree of M.D. from the university of Pennsylvania. In 1872 he was a teacher in the w«'st Philailelphia medical institute: and in 187.'5 becanie j»rofessor of materia nuMlica in the Lincoln university. Since 1806 he has rontribtited to American literature, numerous poems, children's storii-s and papers on scientific subjects and general literature. He

attained success in his profession, and is now a retireil physician of Santa Ana. Cal. He invented and patented a word register for typewriters. He is a member of the ai-a<l«"my of natural scieiin-s of Philadelphia, Pa.: a member of the I'hilosophical society «if Washington. D.C.; a member of the Hiological society of



y«'ars has been correspoiulent of the Miilirata Karyalaya of Calcutta.

and for Datavya

Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph, civil engineer, surveyor, author, was born Oct. 6. 1770, in Switzerland. He was a noted surveyor in the government service. He was the author of System of the rniverse; and a series of works on astronomy, arithmetic, geometry, i<nd trigonometry. He died Nov. 20. 1843. in



Hassler, Simon, nuisician, composer,


In 18.52 he made his public appearance as a violinist. At about the same time his father and brother .Mark established an orchestra at Philadelphia. I'a.. of which Simon became a m«'mlK'r.

born .Inly 25,




for over

twenty -five years has been the

for many of and a Festival March, which was played at the ofK-ning the pernuinent exhibition at Philadelphia in h-ader.

He has composed music

(he plays of Siiakespeare;


H<- <lied in


in Philadelphia, Pa.

Hastie, Alexander, journalist and business man of Cheyenne. Wyo., was born Nov. For over 15. 184!». in Choice Lee. Scotland. thirty-live years he was engage«l in business in IK'S Moines. Iowa; and served as deputy auditor of Warren county. He is now editor of the Cheyenne State F^^-ader and (Joldeii F'rairie Herald. He is also secretary of (he Wyoming state farm board. Hastings, Charles Sheldon, etlucator, hutlior. He is professor of physics at the Shedield s«'ientific school of S'ale university. FFe is a fellow of the American association for the advancemt>nt of science. He is the author of TextlM»ok on (Jeneral Physics.

Hastings, Daniel Hartman, lawyer, bankgovernor, was born Feb. 20. 1849. in I'a. In 1875-88 he practiced law; and has sintM- lM>en largely interested in coal mines and banking. In 1888 he was a delegate at large to the national republican conventi(m. In 18!I5-}MI he was the twenty-first governor of Pennsylvania. He died Jan. 0, er,




Hdlcfonte.' Pa.

Hastings, George, lawyer, jurist, congressborn March 13. 1807. in Clinton. N.Y. He was district attorney for Oneiila county nine years; and in 18.53-55 he was a representative from New York to th** thirty-third congress; and in 1855-66 was judge for Livingston county. He died Aug. 20. 1860. in Mount Alorris. N.Y. Hastings, George R., lawyer, legislator, jurist, was born Aug. 20. 1848. in Marengo. HI. He has been judge of .Saline county. Neb.; representative of the Nebraska state lejiislature; and in 1800-U4 was attorneygeneral of that state.

man, was