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He sixth and twenty-seventh conjjresses. died June 17, 1H42, in Sulpluir Springs, Va. Hastreiter, Mrs. Helene, niusieian. composer, was born Nov. 17, 18.')8. in F>ouisville. Ky. Her home is in (Jenoa. Slie ia a great favorite in Italy. Some of her leading roles are Orfeo, Kuridice, Dalilah, Senta and Ortrud. Haswell, Charles Haynes, engineer, author, was born

New York


He was

and marine



22. 18(IH. in


chief engineer





consulting engineer of the board of public

improvements Ytirk.





he de-

and dircct»'d the (irst steam launch. He waH the author of signetl



Haswell; ami Reminiscences of an Octogenarian of the City of New York. He died May 1.3. l!M)7, in New York City. Hatch, Abram, mormon bishop, was born .Tan. a. 18.30, in Lincoln. Vt. In 1840 he move«l t«i Nauvoo, III.: in 18.>(> removed to I'tali; and has crossed the plains ten times with wagons. For thirty three years he was high priest; for four years was probate judge; antl for twenty-three years was a representative in the I'tah state legislature.

Hatch, Edward, soldier, was born Dec. 22. 1832. in Bangor, .Maine. In I8ri4 he was brevetted major-general of volunteers; and three years later was promote*! to the same rank in the I'nited .States army. He subseqiiently served in the Indian wars. He <lied .pril 11. 18!M). in Fort Kobinson. Neb. Hatch, Edward Wingate, lawyer, jtirist. was born Nov. 2(1. 18.V2. in Friendship. N.Y. In 1880-8n he was <listrict attorney of Kri<* county. N.Y. and in lS87-tl."» was judge of the superior court of RulTalo. N.Y. In 18!l.'> he resigne«l from tlw superior court and was






supreme court of

New York from tiie eighth judicial district for a term of fourteen years. In 18!M]-M)(M) he was assigned to the afipellate division of th»' siiM»nd department of Brooklyn; ami in IlHK»-0."» was transferred to the lirst department of the City of New York. In ino.") Inresigned from the IhmicIi and entered the law

(irm of I'arker. Hat

  • 4-ltK).3 he was superintendent of the .Michigan ilivision of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis railroad, now the N'andalia line, and in 189(M!)02 was also its cliief engin«'i'r. Since l!K(.» he has again been chief » ngiin-t-r of the Yandalia railroad. and Sheehan of New Hatch, Francis March, lawyer, jurist, was born .lune 7. I8."»2. in Portsmouth. N.H. In |S78-i;t04 be practiced law in Honolulu. Hawaii; and since that time has been justice of the supreme court of Hawaii. Hatch, Frederick Thomas, railway ofTuial of St. Louis. Mo., was born in Haverhill. .Mass. He entered railway service in 1874. and has tilled pttsitions fnun rodman to chief (. of California. H«' wrote numerous papers on the climate of California, and the nu>dical springs of that state. He died Oct. 10, I88.i, in .Sacramento. Cal. Hatch, Henry Reynolds, merchant, philanthropist, was born in 18.'<0 in <irand Isle. Vt. He began his ••areer in a dry goods lirni of Cleveland. Ohio. He is a director of tinchamber of commerce; and an oflicer of several national and savings banks. .Medi<-Hl assin-iation Hatch, Herschel Harrison, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born Feb. 17. 18.37. in .Morrisville. N.Y. In 18t5.3 he remove«l to Bay City. Mich.; was elected a inemlH^r of tin- (irst boanl of aldermen of Bay City in 18<>.'t; iiiid electeil jmlge of probate in I80S, v was appointed a member of the stati> constitutional conimissi<»ri in 1872; and of the state tax commission in 1881; and in I88.3-S.'> lie igan to the was a representative fr<»m .Michforty-eightli congress as a rejiub- licaii. Hatch, Hezekiah Eastman, banker of Login. Ctah. was born Dec. Hi. 18.")."». in I^dii. Ctah. Since 188.3 he has b«>«>n connected with Thatcher Brothers Banking company, of Mliich he has la-en president since BUO. He has been county commissioner and council man of his city; and president of the Commercial-Booster's club. He is also president of the Thatcher .Milling ami Klevat«ir company and otiier corporations. was He was a Hatch, Israel Thompson, congressman, b«)rii in iiieintH-r 1.S08 in of the Owasco. New York N.S'. state assembly in 18.*»2; ami in I8.»7-.>!I he was a r<'pres«'ntiitive to the thirty-lifth congress. In I8.">0 e was appointe<l to examine and report u]»on the working of the recipro<-ity treaty; and a few wii'ks latiT was a[i|Miinted postmaster at Bulfalo. He died Sept. 24. 187r>, l in Biillalo. N.Y. Hatch, Jetbro A., surgeon, congressman, Immii .luiie 18. |8:{7. in Chenango counHe was commissioned assistant ty. N.Y. surgeon of the thirty-sixth Illinois volunteer infantry in lS»i2: and was afterward promoted to surgeon of the same regiment. In 1872-7.3 he was a memlM-r of the Indiana house of re|>resentatives. In 180r)-!(7 be was a representative to the fifty -fourth congress was as a republican. Hatch, John Porter, scddier, was born -Jan. 1822. in Oswego. N.Y. He served in the Mexican war; and in I8r>l became brigadier- 0. yeneral of volunteer-, lli- <li< il in New York Citv.