Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/123

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BMytB, BlteBf educator, inutlicmatician. author, was born Sept. 23, 1851, in Granville,

rian of the Somcrvillc public library. died March 7, 1898, in Somorville. Mass.

Ohio. Since 1897 she has been professior of applied mathematics at Welloslov eollrgr; and in 1904 was made professor of astronomy and applied mfttlistnaHes. She l« a mid sociidd^nciil lecturer on cdiicaf inn;i questions. She is the author of Higher Algebra, and Trigonometry. Hayes, Everis Anson, iiiiiitT, Inwvrr. j'>nr nalist, congressman, was born Marcli 10, ]85S» in Waterloo, Wis. He was educated in the common and jrraded srhnoU of Waterloo, Wis.; graduated from both the literary and law department of the university of Wisconsin; and has received from that inTn stitution the dcpiiH's of B.L and T,L.B. 1882-8.3 lie wan a member of the common council of Madison, Wis.; and in 1890 was a member of the board of supervisors of Gogebic county. Mioh. He is still 'miuml'i'*! in mining and in conducting with his brother

Hayes, John Wesley, inventor, matheniatleian, was horn April 10, I83t), in Somers-


the San Jose Daily 'Merenry and the San Jose Evening TTerald. Tn 1005-1.') he was a representative from California to the fiftyninth, sixtieth, sixty*flrst. sixty-seeond and rcjuiMican. sivt v-tliird rnncrrpssci rif^ Hayes, Isaaclsrael, ;<ur<ie(>ti. explorer, lejrislator, author, wa^* horn ^farch 5, 1832, in Chester county. Pa. His first voyage was made with T)r. Kane in the seeond riiiniu'll arctic expedition in search of Sir .John Franklin. He settled in New York City in 18ri5. where he was elected to the state assembly, serving five yt'ars. He made three voyages to the Polar regions. He was the anthor of The Open Folar Sen; An Aretic Boat Journey: Ca^' Awiiy i?i hc Cold; Tlw J.<and of Desolation; anf a century has had continuous service us a Knight of Labor. He is the author of a mathematical work.

Hayes, Joseph, soldier, was born Sept. 14, He was in South Berwick, Maine.


volunteers in brcvettcd major j^tri'ral of 1865. In 18(36 he was appointed United States commissioner of supplies In the seTn 1877 ho iiitrodnred the ceded states. American system of hydraulic mining iniu the United States of Oolombia.

Hayes, Mrs. Lucy Ware Webb, philanthr«»was horn Aug. 28, 1831, in Chillicothe, Ohio. Mrs. Hayes was noted for her derosoldiers during the war tion to the woiindi While her husband was president of the United States, she refused to permit wine to be served on the White House table; and for this innovation incurred much censure in some political circles, but received high praise from the advocates of total abstinence. She died June 25, 1889, in Fremont, pist,



Hayes, Philip Cornelius, soldier, journalist, congressman, was bom Feb. 3. 1833, near rSranby, Conn. Tn 1860 he jrradnated from Oberlin college of Ohio; in 1863 graduated from Oberlin theological seminary; and received the degree of master of 'arte from Oberlin college. He served three years in the union army during the civil war as captain, lieutenant -colonel, colonel and brigadier-general by brevet, t^e latter promotion dating from Mareh 18, 1885. Tn 1877-81 he was a member of the forty fiftli and forty sixth congresses from the seventh district, of niinois as a republican. He was a delegate to the republican ii.Tlinnnl ronvention of 1872 which nominated (irunt for president of the TTnited States for a second term. Tn 1866 he bought n newspaper; and for almost thirty years followed journalism in .Toliet. HI., as proprietor, editor and publisher of his own newspaper. He is a mem ber of the grand armv of the republic and of the loyal legion of Tllinois. He is the author of History of the One Hundred and Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and Socialism and What Tt "Moans. Hayes, Pliny Harold, physician, pioneer, wan horn Oct. 7. 1824. in PMnton, Tnd. Tn 1^^^," lio jir.nrtioed medicine ;if BiTtsbanitoii. N.Y. In ISS.-, he removed to lUifTalo. N.Y., where he devoted all liis time to asthma pAlients. He died April 0, 1894, in Buffalo. N.Y. Hayes, Richard SomerR. railroad president,

was bom

Oct. 12, 1846, in PhiTl4|l-