Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/126

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HURRINUSIIAW'S I^lllRARY UF AMKitlt AN Ixuik; and president of ilie ancf n>iiipany.

JlayUm inMtr>

Hayaes, Elwood, I'ligiiu-t'i, inventor, wjm In lorn Oct. 14, 1851, in roMliin.K Intl. 1881 lie Vina teaciivr and high «cliuul principal; and in 1885-86 was profvssor of seifnL«> at ilie Eastern Indiana college at Portland. In 1890 he won Oeld superinieiident of the IndiMm natural gas company. He fh' inventor and designer of a gaitulme i.4 road


Hayaet, Kmoiy James, clergyman, author, was born Fib. 6, 1847, in Cabot, 't. Sinrc 1870 in- iiiii been a Metliodist clergyman, ibthe author of Fairest of Three; a Tale of Life; Dollars and IhiUes; and Farmhou.He Cobweb. Hayscs, George Henry, educator, author, was bom March 20, 18U«, in Sturbridge^ Mass. lie is now professor of history at the Worcester polytechnic institute. He is ilic author of The Election of United States Senators; and Life of Charles Sumner. Haynes, Henry Williamson, educator, lawyer, archaeologist^ author, was born Sept. fO, 1831, in Bangor, Maine. The winter of 1877-78 he spent in Egj-pt^ seeking for evidences of the palaeolithic age in that counis



try. "Hie results of his inichtigations were pre»»ented at the international conf.'ri'ss of anthropological sciences held in I'aris in

1678, where lie wag rivvarded with a medal and a diplonuiT "lie h the author of The Hihtttrical ( haraeU-r of Norse Sagas. Haynes, Irving Samuel, physician, Hurge(»n, author, waa bom Aug. 20, isiil, in Saranac, S.Y. He is a successful phyjtician of New iiy Voik He is the author of Manual of Anatomy-; and Practical Guide for Beginners to the Dissection of the Human Body. Haynes, John, colonial governor, was born in England. In Iti35-3U )te was eolunial governor of Massachusetts. In l<i37 he was prominent among the founders of Coniieeli(

Mute year afterward until his death. He died March 1, 1654. was governor in 1639, and every alter(ut Haynes, Jacob M., lawyer, jurist, banker, was born .April 12, 1817, in Monson, Mass. He received the rudiments of his education in the aeademy of his native city; and grad uated from tiie Phil:



t »





academy of Mas-

saehusetts. In 1843 he moved to Indiana; and in 1856-71 was judge of the court of com ni o n pleas. In 1871-77 was judge of the circuit court of Indiana and since 1874 has been president of the People's

bank of Portland, Ind. Haynes, Martin A., soMit r. journalist, congressaman, was born July 30, 1 845, in SpringMd, N.H. He served' three years in the union

army during the


war. Hi> was a

i-|ii)sriiiat ivc



the state legislature in l>irJ 7-1. In 1SS3 87 he waj» a repri '>'titativc tiom 2s w Hampshire to the for ly eighth and forty-ninth eongre^hes as a republican. I



Haynes, Myron Wilbur, clergyman, author, was bom Jan. 1. 1855, in Lunenburg, Mass. Since 187M in h .^ I»<?en in the baptist minia tryi and iu 1888 Uti was baptiitt pastor of the finglewood baptist church. Since 1896 he has Ik ii p.istor of the lielden avenue baptist church of Chicago, III. In 18U5 lUUti lie waa preaident of the Central baptist orphaiiage; and in IS1>M 19".". was pre-sident of >

the Illinois stale bapli-t euuvenlioji. He is now pa.>t«>r of the baptist church of >* attle. a>h. He is the author of Modem iJvaiig"


Haynes, Nathaniel Smith, Mddier, clergy* man, author, was born .March 7, 1844, in Ky. He is minister of the ehureli of diseiples at Lincoln, served in the eighty-sixth and the one hundred and thirty-ninth Illinois volunteer infantry in tlir jil war. Ue u au> Ihor of Children's i^uention Ikxtk. Ha]mes, Thomwell, diplomat, author, waa

Washington, rhristiafi







ISUS. in (Jrindell Sliuals, S.C.

lu! was consul at Kouen, France; 07 w.i.s American commercial agent at


and -iin-e 1J)U7 has been iNinsul general at ."Singapore. He is the author of Life ut Bt'iijamin Tillman. Haynes, Tilley, business man, state senalor, was born Feb. 13, 1828, in Sudbury, .Mass. He serAed in the first city government of Springfield; was a member of the lower branch of legislature in 1867-70; state senator in 1875 78; and in 1878-79 a member of the executive council of Governors Rioe and Talbot. He died in Springfleld, III.

In llMHi









banker, congres.sman, was bora Oct. 10, 1829, in Hoosnc Falls, N. Y. For two terras he was auditor of Sandusky county, Ohio. He was collector of internal revenue for the ninth diatriot of Ohio in 1866-67. In 188993 he was a representative to the fifty first and fifty-second congresses as a democrat. Haynie, Isbam Nicolas, soldier, jurist, was bom Nov. 18, 1821. in Dover, Tenn. In 1856 he was appointed judge of the court of common pleas at Cairo. 111. On istl2 he received the appointment of brigadier-general of volunteers. He resumed bis profession in 1864; and snii-ii'qneiitly h. e.ime adjutant general of Illinois. He died in 18t}8 in Bpringileld, III.

Haynie, James Henry, journHlist, author, lM>rn July 19, 1841, in Winchester, III. sered in the civil war, volunteering in the lirst company raised in Chicago, III. He served three years in company IJ, ninet.eirth regiment Illinois infantry. In 1876 he went to Paris as special correspondent he resided there unfil 189.>; and was deco-

was 11.-

rated with the erosH of the legion d'lionneur. He is the author of Paris, Past and Present, in two volumes; and The Captains and the Kinga