Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/133

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Jefferson, physician, au1K14. in Morgan his inlluenee to modify the treatment of malarial fevers in the southwest; and introduced into Texas the treatnjent by >|uiiiine. opiates, ammonia, and salts, in the place of bleeding, purgatives, and mercury. He died in Galveston,



volinitwn». H«' o|n'rat«'(l tin- Qiioeii and cn^nevnt system ol railroads until 1S!)2, wIkmi he becanif president of a fouiulry in Cliuttanooga, Tenn. Healy, William, lawyer and statesman of Silver City. Idaho, va.H Imuii Sept. 10. issl, Itn-vcltrd




Wiiidhaiit, Iowa. He graduated from tlie univ«>raity and from the Iowa univerliiw M-hnol. ne was pro>*eIn


attorney ol" Owyhee county. Idain 1013 wa.n a representativ*- from t<< flif Idaho state legislature. t!i;i( inniity Heap, David Porter, army engineer, author, waa born Mareh 24. 1843, in Turkey. He

n iicutenant-eolonel of engineers in

government serviee. He is the author of Hislutiiig lio;


tory of .pplieation of Kleetrie


C'oasta of France ^ Ancient and HoiiRPs: and Rlectrieal Appliances

to the

Modern of the



Heap, Gwynn Uarria, diplomat, author, was born Mareh 23, 1817, in Chester, Pa. He was eonrtul-general at ('(ni.-tatitinople from 1878. He was the author of Central Route to the Paoilie. He died March 6, 1887, in Constantinople, Turkey. Heap, bamuel D., surgeon, diplumat, was




17H1. in Carlis^le, Pia.

He was

surgeon to the Cnited States navy; and eanie charge d'affaires in Tunis, where he effected a most advantageous change in the nited i>tate8 treaty witii that country. He I.

died in .Tune. 1851.

Heard, Arthur Marston, li mki of S(i7 Kim Mancliester, N.H., was born Feb. 13, i


1866, in Sandwich, N.H. He graduated from Amherst college with the defjrec of A.P>. In he wait a national bank examiner; and since 1896 has been identified with the Aimwkca;: Xational bank of Maneln stcr, and has been president of that institutit>n since IJin.'i, He is president of the IVople'.s (Jas Light company and a director of the Manehester and Lawrence railroad. Heard, Franklin Fiske, lawyer, author, was in Waylan»l, Mass. He born .Inn. 17, mjij* a Hoston lawyer: and a high authority on pleatlings. He was the author of ( rimiiial l.nw; Criminal i'leuding; Civil i'leadiiig-, Slrnkespeare as n Lawyer; Libel and Slander: L«'ading Cjixs in Criniiiial Law (with K. H. liennett); Curio-titieu of the Law Reporters; Oddities of the Law; Precedents of and Precedents of I'leadKijuity IMi adiiig-; in Sp<"iial Arti«>ns. iii;.' He ilied in about lliiMi in Hoston. Mass. Heard, John T., lawyi r. state senator, con(rrissman. was horn (li t. 21*. 1H40. in (ieorgetown, "Slo. He was elected to tlu- state leg182.-1,

islature of MisHoiiri in 1872: and in 1880-84 was n state senator. In ISSo-O.'i he was a r< pres<'ntat ve from Missouri to the fortyninth, liftieth. fifty-Hrst, fifty-second and fifty-third congresses as a democrat. He died about 'MM in !< orgetown. M<>. i


Heard, Stephen, lawyer, jurist, governor, in Trelsod. In 1781 he was colonial (roverniir of r;eor<;ia and in 1782 was chief

was born



the inferior court.



was bom May 14. tin. He exerted


Heard, William Henry, educator, clergyman, bishop, 1426 Rockland st., Philadelphia, Pa., was born dune 25. 1S.")2, in Elberton, tia. He has attained success as an educator and clergyman. He received his education at tile South Candina university, and at the

He served lour years as United States minister resident and consulIs genera! to Monravia, Liberia, Africa. now bishop of West Africa in tl»e Airican methodist episcopal cburch; and resides at tiieorgia university.

Monravia, Liberia. Heard, William Wright, banker, governor,

was Ijorn April 28. 18."».'}, in I'nion parisli. La. In 187<i-!>2 he was !erk and tleputy of court. In 1884 he was elected to the Louisiana state legislature: and in 18S8 iHH-ame a member of the state senate. In 18U2-1UUU he was auditor of public accounts on the anti- lottery ticket. In P.MM(-((4 he was governor of Louisiana. 8iuce 1004 he has been vice-president of the state national bank of New Orleans, La. Uearn, David William, educator, clergy nan, college president, was bom Nov. 21, in Hoston, Mass. .Since lOOi) he has been president of the collcfle of Francis Xavier of New York City. »

Hearn, Lafcadio, litterateur, author, was

bom June 27, ISiio, in the Ionian islands. He was a writer of Trlsb and Greek parentage: long a resident of New Orleans, later of New York City, and tlien of Japan. He was the author of Stray Leaves from Strange Literature: Some ( liinese (;iiosts: Chita: Years in the French West Indies: Younia. the Story of a West Indian Slave: (ilimpses of Cnfamiliar .lapan: Out of the Rast; Reveries and Studies in New .Japan: '•"wo

Kokoro; and Hints and K«dioes of lapanese Inner Life.








Hearne, Frank James, mannfartnji'i rajntalist.


liorn Sept. 21. I84(i, in


Md. In 1860 he opened a large trade in merchandise from Txmdon to the Wi>st Indies ami the colonies on the coast of Delawanand Maryland. In 1868-72 he was chief engin<>er of the Hannibal and Si, Joseph railway. Hearst, George, capitalist. United States senator, was born Sept. 3. 1820, in Pranklin county. Mo. He discovered the value of blackstone ore from assays; invested his capital in the Ophir mine, and in five veara was a millionaire. He founded flu S,in Francisco Daily Kxaininer, one of tlie lH<st-known papers in the United Statcsi In 188ft-9I he was T'nifed States senator. He died Feb. 28, 181U. in San Francisco, Cal.