Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/141

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David M., cK>i-gyman, culU'ge |iretfident» was bora April 14, 1842, in Clark county, Oliio. He received his education at the Parson's colli -v of Faiilii ld, luwa; and attended the AlcUormick theolugicui seiuiuary of Cliieaga He has been state evangelist fur the Cliristian church, and treasurer of the church extension society. He has attained buccess as a clergyman; and is now the president of Palmer college of La Grwod, Iowa. Hdgcsciit H. T., merchant and congressman, wn« ])orn .Iuth' "iH. 1H.*)7. near Decorah, luwa. He haa been engaged in lumber and hardware busioess; and in 18H<.) beenine couimiBBioner of agriculture for the state of North Dakota. In I0I1-15 he was a member of the sixty Heeund and sixty-tbird congresses as a republican. Heller, Daniel D., lawyer, jurist, was born March 29, 1839. in Harrison tountv. Ohio. He was elected judge of the twenty-sixth judicial circuit court of Indiana; and receivd the re-election for a second term of six Helfinstine,



Helley, B. F., soldier. He raii«ed the first lovnl troops snulii of Mason

was state senator in 1844-48 and I866> and resigned in 1807 to run for gover-

lie i'M',



1848; lie

was made president


li ill.-

Helm, Joseph Church, lawyer, state semijtirist. was born June .30, ISIS' in ( lii-


regiment United States infantry: and in the sixth regiment of Hancock's corps. He was a pris<mer on l?i llr Isle; and was in tiie buttles uf (Jhickasaw Bayou, C'liumpion Hills, Jaelcson, and Vieksburg. He lN<gan (111' practice of law in 187.5; and was city attorney of Colorado Springs. In 1877 lur became a member of the Colorado state house of representatives; and in 187!) be came a memU'r of the state senate. In 1880

he became district jud^e; became a supreme 1>>*^.>: and chief justice in 188'.l, re thai position in 18J>2. H«* has a large hiw practice in Denver; and since l!K)4 has been attorney of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railway. In 1802 he was republican candidate for governor of Colorado.

juflpe in sigdijij,'










he joined the confederate army; and

was made brigadier-general died Sept.

  • 21.




IHOH. in Georgia.

Helm, Harvey, lawyer, congressman, was born in Danville, Ky. He was educated in the Stanford male noadeiiiy. ;in<l frraduated from tlif t'«-ntral university ot ientueky with the defiree of In 1882 he was admitted to the praiticf of law: and in IS'.C]


elected to the Kt-ntueky lionsi- of rep resentatives. In 1S!)7-10().') he was eounty attorney of Lincoln county, Ky. In 1907-15 he was a representative from Kentucky to the sixtieth, si.xty-first. sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a democrat.

Helm, John Lame, lawyer. legislator, governtu. was li(»rn July -4, IHO-J. in Hardin eouuty, Ky. In lH2ti he was elected to thi' InrtiM* of representativMi of the state; and was a member of that body eleven years.

of the Louisville and died Sept. 8, 1897, in

eagu. ill. In 1870 he graduated Irtnn ilic state university of Iowa: and in 1871 ;_t;h1nated with the degree of LLJ). fr<tin the law department of that institution. He served Ihrougliout the civil war in the thirteimtli

tegument nf

during tiie civil war; and he attained the rank of brigadier-general, lie died July HJ. 1891. Hellier, Charles Edward, lawyer, business prejtident, was lM»rn July K. Hi, in Bangor, .Maine. In. 1886 he graduated with the degree of A.B. from Yale college: ntndfed in tile univerHily nf IV'iliii; and rr<i'ii'd the degree of LLJi. from Bunion university. Since 1890 he has practiced law in Boston, Mass, He is president of the Big Sandy company, which owns one iiundred and thirty thousand acres of coal fields in Pike county, Ky. He is preside nt nf the Elkhorn coal and coke company; is aUo director and idratified with various railroad and tclc> phone companies. Helm, Ben Hardin, soldier, statesman, was born in 1830 in Elizabethtown, Ky. He was a member of the Kentucky legislature in 1SS5-M; and commonwealth attorney for



liii/abethtown, Ky.

and Uixoii


presided in the legislature seven

was elected litit>'ii;iiit-g<)Vcriior in and was governor in 1850-52. In 1854

Uelme, James, lawyer, jurist. In 17(17-70 he was chief justice of the supreme court of Itliode Island; and in 1770-74 he was associate justice.





Helmick, Abraham L., [mhlu- nilicial. waw born Aug. :n, 18M, in Cir. Icv lle. W. Va. He was educated in the public schools of his native state: and graduated from the stnt<* ncrinal school of West Virginia. He was a member of the county court, and president of the court for Ave years. For two yeara he tilled th<> ofTice of postmasfer; and is now sherilT of Tucker county. Hdnidc, WilHani, lawyer, congressman, was born Sept. 6. 1817. in Jelferson coijnty. Ohio. He was elected a prosecuting attorney: and in I8.'>1>-({1 he was a representative from Ohio i<t the thirty-si.xth congress. Helms, William, sohlier. congressman, was* l<i)rn in New .Jersey. He was an oflle^T in the revolutionary army; and in 1801-11 he was a representative from New Jersey t<» the sev«-nth. eiglith. ninth, ti'nth and elevHe died in 18Kt in Ten-

enth congresses. nessee.

Helmuth, Justus Christian Henry, clergyman, author, w as born May Hi. 174."i. in l«ermany. He was pastor of Ht. Michael's hitheran church in I'iiiladelphia in 1770- 1820: un«l for eighteen years professor of lanin the university of Pennsylvania. He was the author of Taufe und heiligo 5!ehrlft: T^nterhalten mit flk»tt; and Geiatli. Ik Li. .h r. He died Feb. 1R3.>. in Pliila-




Helmuth, William Tod, surgeon, nutlmr. was born Oct. 30, 1833, in Pliiladelphia, l*a.