Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/143

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HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OK AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. the author of Christendom and Civili/ation Sy.stt-m of Materia Medica and TherajMMitic8; The Science of Horacropathy ; Iloinux)pathic Theory and Practice in Surgical Dis«'ase«;

and True Organization




He died Sept. 25, 1870, in (irand Mich. Hemphill, Ashton Erastus, statesman. wn«


After twelfth and thirteenth congresses. his service in congress he went upon several expeditions against the Indians; was elected to the territorial assembly, and chosen speaker. He died Aug. 10, 1817, in Missouri.

Hempstead, Fay, lawyer, lecturer, author, was lx>rn Nov, 24, 1847, in Little Rock, He is grand secretary of the Free-


In 1849, in Acworth, N.H. 1881-1885 and 1898 he was u men>ber of the .Massachusetts legislature from Ilolyoke, MaNs; and wais a meml»er of several im-




portant committees. Hemphill, John, lawyer.l'nited States senator, was born in 1803. in Cln'><ter dislriet, S.C. In 1832-.33 he etiite<| a nullilicatioii paper at Sumter, S.C. For many years he was ehief justice of the supreme court of Texas. In 1859-01 he was a member of the I'nited States senate. In 18tJl he was deputy to the provisional congress nf the confederate states at .Montgv»m('ry. Ala. He died Jan. 4, 1802, in Kichmond. Va.



He in nnisons for the state of Arkansas. the author of Hempstead's .School History Arkansas; and two volumes of poems. Hempstead, Junius L., poet, was born Nov. 14, 1842, in Dubuque, Iowa; and is the His son of the late Governor Hempstead. education Ix'gan in the of



^ 3



Hemphill, John James, lawyer, eongressman, author, was born Aug. 25, 1849. in Chester. S.C. In 1870-82 he was a repre sentative in the state legislature.

In 1883-

93 he was a rej)resentative from South Carolina to ;he forty-eighth, forty-ninth, liftielh, lifty-first and fifty-second congresses as a




the author of



Solid South?

Hemphill, Joseph, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was Imrn in 1770. in Delaware county. Pa. In 1801 03. 1819-25. and 1829 31 he was a representative froni Pennsylvania to the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineti'cnth and twenty-first congresses. He was for souie time judge of the district lie die<l Mav 29, court of Philadelphia, 1842, in Philadelphia, Pa. seventh, sixteenth,

Newton, naval

Hemphill, Joseph








Hipley, Ohio.

was on the Monongahela. which was wrecked in the West India eartliquake. In 1808 h'.' was commissioned ensign; and in 1900 was commissioned rear-admiral. In 1907 he eomnianded the Philippine squadron. Hempl, George, educator, author, was born dune 0, 1859, in Whitewater. Wis. He has been profe-»st»r of English philology and In



general linguistics at the university of Michigan; and since 1907 has filled a professorship at the Leland Stanford junior univer sitv of California. He is the author of Whist Scores and Card-Table Talk; OldChaucer's PronunciaKnglisli PhonologA'

Oernnm Orthography ajid Phonology; Rhymes in German; and Cerman (Jrammar. ti«tn;

Knglinh Nursery

Hempstead, Edward, lawyer.r<mgressman. .June 3, 1780, in New London, In 1806 he was appointed deputy

was born Conn.

attorney-general for the district of St. Louis and St. Charles; and in 1809- 11 was attorney general for the territory of Upper Louisiana. In 1811-15 he was territorial delegate from Missouri territory to the



tC'ok a course in college. Charles .Always studious .Mo. and fond of art, music and literature, when a youth he secured the blue ribbon two successive seas<ins at the Louis fair, and St. premiinii also t w o



prizes of seventy-five and one hundred dol lars for the best original statues in marble. He won the first prize ollered for the best








It was carved from a block of Vermont marble. The next year the prize wa*


again taken by him, therefore Dr. 'an Zandt oli'ered to send him to Paris and Italy, defraying all expenses for six years, and he was ?,eiit to a Virginia eollege. He began bin business career with l)ookkecping, but for years past, niost of his time has Iw-eii given over to literature. He is represented as a poet in Golden Thoughts of American Writers; Poets of America; and other standard collections. He is the author of After

Many Days and Other

Stories; and two volof Poems; Parnassian Nitchos. and -Musings of Morn. Hempstead, Stephen, governor. He wa? the second governor of Iowa in 1850-54. He died Feb. 16, 1883, in Iowa. Hemsley, William, congressman. In 178284 he was a delegate from Maryland to the c<mtinental congress. He died in Maryland. Hemstreet, Charles, was


l)orn Sept. 20, 1800, in is

New York



the author of Nooks and Corners of Old

New York; The

Calendar of Old

New York;

Manhattan; and other works. Hench, George Allison, educator, philolowas born Oct. 4. 1860, in Center. Pa. In 1895-99 he was at the head of the department of German languages and literature in the university of Miehigsin. He was the author of The Slonsee Fragments; and numerons Monograplis on phihdogy. He died Aug. 10. 1899. in Boston. Mass. Henck, John Benjamin, educator, author, Stories of


was Pa.

lK>rn in

Novemljer. 1816. in Philadelphia, a professor of engineering in

He was