Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/145

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English, |>liyMi<>iiin, railroiid prt-sidt'iit. was Iwirn Sept. 'I'y, IK44. in JeffiTson county. Vii.. now VV»t 'irpinia. In 18.")0-r)9 ho was oducatcd at a private »eliiM>l in JefferHon cotjnty. Va.; and in IH.V.Ifil in (Jeorgetown, D.C.' In 18GS hr pradnatrd from the medical department of the nniversity of Pennsylvania and in lS(i;>-7<> was resilient physician ol ISay Vie« hospital







entereil tin- iinion army an a jirivate in 1S»5I and

attained the rank of

'^^M I^^^^^^^^^H L




and Western Missouri railroad. In 1S7!I-S0 he was general freight and ticket agent for the Atchison and Nebraska railway; and also consecutively auditor, paymasti'r. cashier and assistant general manager. In IHSI88 he was general manager and receiver ol the Indiana. RIoomington. and western railway; in 1888-81> was general manager of (he Ohio, Indiana and western railway; in lH8I-!>2 was general manager of the Ohio southern railroad: and in 1884-86 was general manaiger of the Dayton and I ronton railroad. In 1884-87 he was manager for the purchaser of the Dayton and Toledo railroad: in 1884-8fi was rweiver of the Danville, OIney and Ohio river railroad; and in 188({-88 was general manager of the Cliicago and Ohio river railway. In 188!)in03 he was general manager of the Philadelphia and Reading coal and iron company: and since 1903 has been first vicepr«*sident of that corporation. Since 18!lrt lie has also been second vice-president of the Phila<lelphia and Reading railway.

Henderson, Churles Hanford, e«lucator;-author. was born D<'c. .SO. 18fil. in Philadelphia. Pa. He is a science teacher: and in 1898-90 was director in Pratt institute of Brooklyn. X.Y. He is the author of Klements of Physics; Children of (Jood Fortune; and other works,

Henderson. Charles author, was born Dec. I





Richmond, educator,

17. 184S. in Covington. has been professor oi

sociology lit the university of Chicago. He is the author of Introihietion to Study of Dependents. Defectives and Delinf|ueiits; Development of Doctrine in the Kpistles; Sot-ial Spirit in .merica: Sticial Klements; and S<tcial


Henderson, David, journalist, theatrical nuinager. fnuntler. was horn .April 2n. |s,"»;{. in Srotland. In 1880 he founde<l the Chicago Herald. In 1884 he built tlM> Cliicago opera house, the first steel constructed, (irepro<»f and electric lighted theater in America. In 1890 he built the Dnipiesne theater in Pittsburgh, Pa. Henderson, David Bremner, soldier, lawyer,

congressman, was born March




^^'^^^ ^" assistant United States district attorney: was chairman of the Iowa dele-

gation in the republican national conven-

of Haltiniore, M<1. In IS7<l-74 he was in railway service as a clerk on the Missouri river, Fort Scott and CJulf railway: in 1H74-

he was chief clerk to the ^'eneral ^np<'rintendent an«I receiver of the Leavenwortli, I*awrence and (iaiveston railr«tail. In IH7!i he was engaged in prospecting routes and settling purchase accounts for Springfield

In 18(19-70


tion of ISSO: secri'tary of ytublican

and wan the



preseiitative fr<»in Iowa to the forty iglith. fortv ninth. fiftieth, fifty-first, lifty..cond. fifty-third, fifty-fourth, lifty-fiftli. fiftv-seventh and tiftv-eightli tiftv-sixth, r.


xHigresses as a republican; and in 18!HII90:i he was speaker of the house to tin* lifty-fifth. fifty-sixth and fifty-seventh congresses. He died Feb. 2r>, 1906. in Diibmiue. Iowa.

Henderson, Ernest




thor, was born May 11, 1861, in New Hrighfon, N.Y. He is an instructor in Welleslev college. He is the author of A History (»f




Middle Ages;


Documents of the Middle Ages; and laborator








Henderson, Isaac, journalist, author, was horn Feb. 13. 18.'.0, in Brooklyn. N.Y. lUt was a New York City journalist in 1872 81 ; and has since lived abroad. He is the auAgatha Page; Tlio liior of The Prelate; Silent Battle; The Mummy and the Hum-




died in 1909.

Henderson, James H. D., journalist, congressman, was born July 23, 1810, in Salem. Ky. He settled on a farm two or thrcf miles south of Kugene City, Ore. In 186.")-(J7 he was a representative from Oregon to the thirty-ninth congress as a republican. He died in October, 188.1, in Kugene City. On*. Henderson, James Pinckney, lawyer, soldier, governor, Cnited States senator, was born March 31. 1808, in Lincoln county. N.C Ilis first civil oflice was that of attorni'V^eneral of the republic of Texas. In 1837 hr was a|ipointed secretary of state of tin* re])ubli<-; and soon afterward minister ph-niI'otcntiary to Kngland and France. In 184.'» he was" a member of the convention w hicli framed the constitution of the state of Texas; and in 1846-47 was the first governor. When the Mexican war broke out in 1846. he served six months as major-g«'nera I.

In lS.")7-'»9 he was Cnited Stat«'s senator froin Texas. He died .Tune 4, 18.'>8. in Washington, D.C.

Henderson, John, soldier, lawyer, Cnit»*«I States senator, was Iwrn in ITOil in a northern state. He was a general of militia in .Mississippi: and in 1839-45 he was l'nite«l