Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/150

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1IERRIN08HAW8 LIBRARY OF AMKRIl'AN a M>ricH of historical sketches entitli'<l 'i'iilfM of the Hlue Mountains. Henainger, John W., etluoator,collpgt' presiilont, was born in 1857 in Favfttr cimnty, 111. Ho was iHlucatcil at the lllinoin WesKyan university, at McKentlree foll«-gr and He was sujKjrtit tlie university of Cliicago. intemlent of .Mount Carniel schools; superintemlent Charleston and Jacksofkvillo city schools: and deputy state 8uperint(*n<lent ot schools, lie was president Southern and Central Illinois teachers' associations; and president of the Illinois state principals' aslthas been president of the sociation. state nt»rntal sehool of Western Illinois from its

or;;:ini/ation to

traveler in iiutlior of

was lie

Ixirn .pril 4.






East Homer, N.Y. in Onuiha. Neb.:

Lake City, I'tah; Butte. .Mont.; and North Yakima, Wash. In 11MI7 he retired from the ministry; and is now engaged in fruit growing and the real estate Imsiness. He is the author of By Order of the Pr»»phet,

a Tale of I'tah.

Henry, Arthur, journalist, author, was Nov. 27. 18(57, in Pecatonica, III. For years he was engaged in journalism; and is now with A. S. Barnes and company, luirn


publishers, of

New York




the au-

thor of . Princes* of Arcady and Island Cabin; The House in the Woods; Ix)dging>« in Town: and The Unwritten Law. Henry, Caleb Sprague, clergyman, author, was born Aug. 2. 18(14. in Rutland. Vt. He was the author of Moral and Phih»sophical Essays; Satan as a Moral Philosopher: Men and Things; Dr. Oldham at .AlMUit (Jreystones and His Talk There; Social Welfare and Human Progress; Household Liturgy; The Endless Future of the Human Rac«': and Epitome of the TTistory of Phi-

.Ian. M*.. is:{!», in Trappe. .Md. In IH61 he entered the civil war as tirst lieutenant in the lirst .Maryland volunteer infantry: and in l'.l<>4 was retired with the rank of hrigadiergeneral. Henri, Robert, painter, artist, was born in

his paint-

Iai Neige and (Jirl in White Waist. an academician of the National acadtniy of desitrn. He is an instructor at the Henri school of art in New York City.

ings are is

Henry, Alexander, explorer, author, was


14, 1823, in Philadelphia, Pa. In l8.'>ll.served in the councils of Philadelphia:



H«' died dune 14, 1877, in Washington, D.C. Hennisee, Algalus Garey, soIdier,was lM>ni



in 18;'i8-(M was the mayor. He managed the affairs of Philadelphia during the civil war with gn-at ability. He died Dec. 6, 1883. in Philadelphia, Pa. Henry, Alfred Hylas, clergynuin. author,

the Belgian Revolution; Analogies of Nicaragua: anri l'>, IH-tS. in Hdgium. For ten years he was connecteil with the .Merchant's loan and tnist company of Chicago. III.: and in 1878 engaged in business as a Imnker and broker. He has conducted many hirjje negotiations, including the sale for English companies of the American brewin;; and malting company and thel'nion stock yards company. In lSi»3 he was a diriH-tor of the World's Columbian exposition: and 8inc»> 187<l has b«'<'n n>sident consul of K«-lgium at Cliicago; of Turkey since 1877: Htxl is now consul-general of Turkey at Chicago. Henrotin, Ellen M., philanthropist, was In lM)rii .Inly I. 1847. in Portland. .Maine. I8!>:i she was vice-president of the congress auxiliary of the World's Columbian exposition. In 1804-08 she was president of the general federation of women's clubs at Chicago, III.






Canada 1824,

Henry, Alexander, statesman, was April ."•7


Cincinnati, Ohio.



177rt, in Ireland. In 1783 he came to Phila«lelphia. He was the tirst to introduce leligious tracts into the United States. He died Aug. 13, 1847, in Philadelphia. Pa.




and subsequently joine<| Kosnntli in Hungary. He came to Anu'rica in l.H.">»'i; was with Walker in Nicaragua, entered the confwierate army in iHtM, and became a genHe was the author of The Last of eral. the Sophis, a Poem; Twelve Months' CamThe White paign with Zumalacarregui Slave, a novel; Eastern Europe; Si.xty Years Hence, a novel of Russian life; Scenes from



Henry, Alexander, merchant, was





Travels and .Adventures

lMtw«>en 17<>(l-7b. .Montreal, Canada.

Henningsen, Charles Frederick, soldier, autlior, wiis born in ISl.'i in Kn);land. He was a soldier of Swcilish descent and Knglisli birth who serv«'d with the C'arlists in Spain in



He was a noted northwest America. He was the

Inirn in 1730 in




He WHS «if

the translator of (iuizot's and other works. He

Civilization 1884. in

Newburgh. N.Y. Henry, Charles L., lawyer, seate senator, congressman, was born .Tnly 1. 1840, in He commenced the fJreen township, Ind. practice of law in Pen-


.^ittrch 0.

He removed to Anderson in 1 8 7 he has since where




He was


ed to the state senate and serveil in the sessions 1881 and of 1883; and in 1805 09 he was a representative to the fifty-fourth




gri'sses as a rejiublican. In 10(I3 he owned

the Indianapolis ,Touri.rtl; an<l is now president and general manager of the Indianapolis an«l Cincinnati fraction e<impany.

Henry, Daniel Maynadier, lawyer, state congressman, was born Feb. 10,
