Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/219

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Holyoke, Samuel, musician, compost v, w as Ixnu Oct. 15, 1762, in Boxford, Muhs. lie was tlu> author of Columbian Repository of Sacred Harmony; ()ecasi<iiial Music; llic liyinn-tune Arnlieini; and otlu-r workt. He dk'd Feb. 7, 1820. in Concord, N.H. Homans, Morris, tdticMtor. founder, was born Nov. l.i, 1848, in HssulU)rougli. Maine. In 18(j!» 77 she was principal of a private school in Wilmington, N.C.; and since 1877 has been engug. d in etlucational work. In 1880-98 she was a director of the Boston normal school of household arts, which she had orpaniised. She fitted the first pul)Iic sc1km>1 kitili'ii in t!w I'nitcd Stato-i.


Homana, Charles Dudley, physician, was bom Dec. 5, 1826, in Boston, Mass. He was surgeon of the Boston city hospital from its


H« was

president of iw

Massachusetts medical society in 1884-80; of the Charitable eye and car infirmaiy; and of the Boston humane society. He died ><ept. 2, 1886, in Mount D. sert, Maine. Homans, John, physician, surgeon, wan born in 179:i in Boston, Mass. For several years he was president of tlic Massachusetts historical society. Ue died April 17, 1868. in Boston, Mass. Homer, Jonathan, clergynnui. autlior, was bom in October, 1769, in Boston, Mass. In 1824-43 he devoted his attention to investigntitiLT the sources of the eonnnon English version of the bible. He superintended the preparation of an edition of TeaVs Columbiar. Bible, .lodiii;; iiotr^ ami introductions to the several books,

lie died Feb. 13, 1843,

Newton, Mass. Homer, William Bradford, clergyman, an thor, was liorn .Jan. 31, 1817, in Boston, Mass. His Writings, with an introductory in





m<'inoir, (



were edited by Prof. Eddied


22, 1841, in

South Berwick, Maine. Homer, Winslow, painter, artist, was born Feb. 24, 183B, in Boston, Mass. In 180.5 he I>eeamc a m.-mln'r of the National acadeniy of design.


of his paintings are Honje,

Sweet Home: and The Last Goose at Yuiet own In 1865 he exhibited Priaoners at I



Homes, Henry Augustus, clergyman, author,


was bom March in. isi2. in Boston. He was a congregational clergyman;


a missionary at Constantinople in 183(i-iii, and sul>se<|uently tB the diplomatic service there. He was the author of The Need of Yezedees of Mesopotamia: P. si^ri anrl Tniyiort of M.dals; Our Knowledge <»f California; The Palatine Eraito England in 1709; and The Wat.T Supply of Conntantinople. He died




1887, in Albany, N.Y.

Homes, Mrs. Mary Sophie, author, poet, was born about ISrjO in Frederick. .Md. She is a writer of New Orleans, La. She is the author of Carrie Harrington, or %Scenet in New Orleans; Progressions, or tlic South

OF AAIEKRAN BIOGRAPHY. a volume of pocms; and A Rhymes. Homes, William, clergyman, autii r was-


W'reutli ot

He horn in 1603 in the north of Ireland. was the author of sermons on The Sabbuth; on Public Reading of the Scripture: Chiirdi (jiovernmcnt Secret Prayer; and (iovem;



of Christian Families.

Chilmark, Ma-s. Philip, merchant,



20. 1740, in

Hone, was born


1781, in


philanthropist, York City. He

was a successful merchant in New York; one of the founders of the Mercantile library association of that city; and was Miavnr in lS2."i-2(i. He was ajtpointcd naval olltcer of New York. Ue was a mau of u noble and generous nature. Hone's marble bust, furnished at the re<piest of the asso* viution, stands in the hall of the New York mercantile library. He died 4, 1831, in New York City. Honeyman, William, railroad president, was born in 1842, in Scotland. From 18111 !(c WHS president of the Rogue rivi r valley



lailway. gon.



181)8 in

Portland, Ore-

Honeymoon, Abraham Van Doren, lawyur, journalist, author, was born Nov. 12, 1840, Since 1870 he in New (Jermantown, N.d. has been a member of the New Jersey bar; is editor of the New Jersey Journal. He is the author of several law publica-


and works of travel. Honeywood, Saint John, lawyer, author, wa> born Fc»b. 7, 1703, in Leicester, .Mass. Uiii political Poems were published in 1801. He died Sept. 1, 1708, in Salem, tions poet.


Honore, Henry Hamilton, builder, capitalas born Feb. P). 1824, in Louisville, Since IS.'i.'i he has been a resident of



Chicago, 111.; and built several large business buildings. He was largely instrument-* al in organizing and building the Chicago park system. One of his daughters married Potter Palmer; and another daughter is the wife of (jcneral Fred U. tJrant. Honore, Lockwood, lawyer, jurist, was

born Se|)t. 7. I8ti."). in ( hicago. 111. He graduated from Harvard university with tiie degrees of A.B. and .A.M.; and received the degree of LL.B. fr»im Harvard law s( Imn] In 189l-ltHJ3 he was engaged in the general practice of law in Chicago, III.; and since 11)03 has be<>n judge of the circuit court of Cook county. lil.

Hoober, Arthur, artist, was born July 23, in .Vi'w York City. He was jui art


critic of







the (>lobe and City.

Commewial Adver-

New York

He Is a landscape and a writer on art. author of Treasures of the Met-






of Art.

Hood, Charles Crook, soldier, wi- bom Aug. 28. 1841, in .Somerset, Ohio. In 1861 lie served in the thirty-first regiment Ohio volunteer infantry as a private, corpora)