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211 of

Church Polity




and Liturgy




BtMtk died about HMM) in uiul

Auburn, N.Y. Hopkins,





ernor, congressman, was l>oni Murcli 7, 1707, in isciluato, R.l. In IhlM lie bcfanu' a merchant of Providence, R.I, In 17.T2 -II he was a nieml)cr of the colonial assmibly and its speaker. In 1739 he was chief justice of the court of comnion pleas; and in 175154 was justice of the -superior court. In 1754 he was a delegate to the colonial congress which met at Albany, N.V. In 1755, 17oG, 1758 (51, 1763 04 and 17«»7 he was colonial governor of Rhode I.<^iand. In 1774-78 he was a representative from Rhode Island to the continental congress. He died .)uly 13, 1785, in Providence. R.l.

Hopkins, Stephen T., merchant, congrewswas born March 25, 1H41>, in New York City. He is an iron merchant. He was a member of the assembly of the state of New York in 18S5-««); aiid in 1«H7 S'.l lie was a representative to the tiftieth congresH as a republiean. lb- died March 3, l.Sl>2. in New York City. educator, clergyWeld, Hopkins, Theodore man, author, was lM>rii -Ian. 5, 1S4I. in Cinnian,

cinnati, Oiiio.

chair of

In 1873 he was called to tluhistory in the congrega


lional theological seminary at Chicago, III. In 188 1 he accepted the pastorate of the

Central presbyterian church in Rochester, He is the author of an historiejil N.Y. essay on The I>oetrine of Inspiration.


Thomas Cramer,

geologist, au-

thor, was Ix^rn May 4, 18t>l, in Crntir Pa. During 1889-92 he was as sistant state geologist of Arkansas; and tilled the same position in 1895 9tl in In diana. In 189r»99 he tilled the chair of economic ge<)Iogy in the State college of Pennsylvania. His specialty is buildinu stones, on which subji»ct he has pul>li->lii'i| numy valuable pa|M'rs. Since I90(( he lias tilled the chair of geology in Syracuse uni



Hopkins, Vira M. Darling, piwt. She is Sunny Side Sketehen. a Vol

the author of ume of poems.

Hopkins, William, hiwycr,

jurist. In


he was an associate justice of the su preme court of Rliode Island. Hopkins, William Fenn, edm-ator. eolle^c presitlent. was burn in |H(»2 in Connrelieut. in 1849 he was president of Masonic university of T«'Mni'sse<> in 1850 .59 was pro fessor of natural and experimental philoso I'.S. naval academv in the at Annapcdis. phv Md. He died July 13, 18.19. in the V« si (M)


Hopkins, William Hersey, ndlfge presiwas born Dec. 20. 1841, in Creens


Md. Tn lSS5-8r» lie was tutor professor and president of St. .John's <'ol lege at Annapoli.s, Md.; in 188«V90 was president of Woman's college of Baltimore: and since 1890 profe&sor of latin in that l)orough,


Hopkinson, Francis, signer of the declaration of independence, jurist, was born Sept. He was a 1738, in Philadelphia, Pa. signer of the declaration of independence.


In 1776-77 he wan a from New delegate Jersey to the continental congress; wa.s a judge of the admiralty i-iiurt; and subM^queiitly a district of the L'nitol Stales district court.


He was the author The Pretty Story; l it. The Prophecy Political Catechism; and The New Roof. He is best known by his humorous iM»eni. The Battle of the Kegs. Three volumes of

of his Miscellaneous Writings lished in 1792. He died Mav Philadelpliia. Pa.

were t»,





Joseph, lawyer, jurist, coiigresHinan, p<H't. was Iwrn Nov. 12, 177<*, Philadelphia, Pa. In 1815-19 he was n representative from Pennsylvania to the four leentl> and fifteenth congresses. lv waix appointed ju«lge of the district court of the fnited States for the eastern distriet of Pennsylvania, and held this office until liis death. He published many interesting ad dresses, and wrote the song Hail C<duml>ia. llr dieii .Ian. 15, 1842, in Philadelphia, Pa.

Hopper, De Wolf, comedian, actor, wmh in 1858 in New York. lie made liis profi'ssional appearance in 1878 in Our Boys. He joined an opera company; an«l has starred in comedy roles at the head of his own company. Hp has taken leading parts in Wang and Happyland. Hopper, Edward, clergyman, author, was iM.rn .May 24. 1816, in New York City. In iKirn lirst

|867 (t8 lie tilled a pastorate in New York City: and for many years was pa.stor of the ("liurch of the sea and land. He was the author oi The Fire on the Hearth in Sleepy Hollow, a Christmas poem; The Duteh Pilgrim Fathers, and Other Poems; • >ne Wife t<M» Many; and Old Horse f!ray iiiid the Parish of (irumhieton. He <lie<l April 23, 1888. in New York City. Hopper, Harry Shelmire, lawyer, genealogist, was born .June 13. 1858. in Piiiladelphia. Pa. He ."ccoived his degree of bachelor of arts from tli'» Central high school of Philadelphia in 1875; and in 1880 re ceivcd the degree of ma.stcr of arts from the same institution. In 1878 he gradual t-d from the univ«»rsity of Pennsylvania with the degree of bachelor of laws; was admitted to the bar the following year, and has continued in active practice ever since