Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/23

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HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOQRAPHY. thor of several works in German, Latin and English. Hagen, Theodor Von, muHieian, author, was Iwrn April 15, 182^, in Gtrmany. In 18l32 he became editor and proprietor of the New York Musical Review and Gazrttc. He was the author of Civilisation und Musik; and Musikalisrhe NovcUen. He died Dec. 27, 1871, in

New York

Hager, A.



lawyer, state .-cnator. con-

was born Oct. 29, 18.'»0. near .lamestown, X.Y. He was elected to the Iowa state senate; and in 1803 99 he was


a representative to the fifty-third, tiftyfourth and fifty fifth congresses as a republican.






was born Nov. 1, 1S17, iii Vermont. In 1877-88 he was librarian of the Chicago historical ?ociety. He was the author of Geology of Vermont; and Economic Geologj' of Vermont. He died July 29. 1H88. in Chicago,


Hager, John Sharpenstein, lawyer, jurist. United States senator, was lM)rn March 12, lie moved to 1818, in Morris county, N..T. California in 1849; and in 18.j2 .'4 and 18r..-) In 69 was a member of the state senate. 1855-61 he was ftate judge for the district San Francisco. In 1871 he was elected a regent of the university of California. In 1873 75 he was the United States senator to fill a vacancy. In 1885 he was collector of the i>ort of San Francisco, of

way company; and since 1887 has been general counsel of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railway system, with headcpiarter-* now at St. Louis, Mo. In 1904 he was chair!nan of the Louisiana purchase world's congress of lawyers; and is a prominent mem l>er of the American, Missouri and St. Louis bar a.ssociations. Hagert, Henry Schell, lawyer, poet, was born May 2. 1826, in Philadelphia, Pa. He j-erved as district attornev of Philadelphia in 1856 67, 1S()8 71, 1875 78 and 187S 81. He was the author of a volume of Poems, with Memoir bv C. A. Lagen. He died Dec. 18. 1RR5. in Philadelphia, Pa.

Hagerty, Charles Henry, railway ollicial of Ky.. was isorn July 4, 1862, at He entered railway service ill 1879 and was clerk to passenger agent with the JefTersonvi'le, Madison and Indianapolis railway at Louisville. In 1882 84 he wiis assistant ticket agent of the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburgh, in 1884-90 was station ticket agent, in 1890 94 was city ticket ag.'iit. in 1894 11 wjis district pass«'nger agent, and since 1911 has been assistant general passenger agent of the same road, at L(.uisille,


'oliiinbiis, (^hio.

Louisville all the time.

Haggard, Alfred Martin, clergyman, edupresident, was born April 11, Cedar Hapids. Iowa. In 1879 he graduated from the

<'ator, college

1851, near

Hager, Mrs. Lucie Caroline, author, was born in 1853 in Massachusetts. She is the author of Boxborough. a New Enghind Town

and Its People. Hagerman, Herbert James, lawyer,


Oskaloosa, received

h e

and was admitted

seeret^iry and secretary to the American emi.assy at St. Pet(^rslnirg, Russia; and received from the ezar the Russian decoration He engaged on a large scale of St. . ne. in southern New Mexico as a stockman; was vice-president of the Soiith sprinpj ranch nnd cattle company; the Felix irrigation j'ompanv: and the Ifagerman national hank In 1904 he was a doleof Roswell. X.M. gate to the national republican convention; and in 190«) 07 was governor of New Mexico.




degree of A.M. from that institution. He studied divinity the

Tames, lawy«'r. was born Nov,

( lark county. >ro. He received the rudiments of his education in the village schools of .Alexandria. Mo.; attended .Tamie.son's latin school of Keokuk; and attended the Christian bi-other's college of St. Louis. llo. In 1S66 84 he practiced law in Keokvik, Iowa. In ISS4-86 he was attorney for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe rail-



the In 1873-76 he was a professor of the Bryant an<l Stratton business college of St. • Paul,


mat, governor, wa^* JM)rn Dec. 15. 1S71. in Milwauk<*o. Wis. He attended the Colorado eolUge and studied in Europe; in 1894 lie graduateil with the di'gree of A.B. from Cornell university; and in 1896 graduated with the degree of U.-H. from the same institution. In 1899 he engaged in the practice of law in Colorado; in 1S99-1901 was sec-

26. ISIS, in


Iowa t


dis<>iples of Christ.




years ho was a .?lerg'man; in 18.H9 92 president of the Oskaloosa college; and in 189398 was secretary of the Iowa christian convenlion. He is now vice chancellor of Drake university of Des Moines. Iowa, and dean of its bible college. He has written various

Monographs and articles on theological subjects.



Haggard. Fred Porter, clergyman, mission-

was born Dec. 15. 18<52, in Bloomington. III. In 1886 he graduated from the grammar school of Bloomington. 111.; and in 1879 from the high school of that city. In 1886 he graduated with the degrees of A.T. and .N.M. from the Illinois Wesjeyan university: and in 1SS!> firaduated with the decree of B.D. from the divinity school of the university of Chicago. In 1870-82 ho was in the drug business. In years 18S689 he lilled a pastorate at WarrenviUe. ary, prohibitionist,



1889-91 in nt Red Oak Hill; and 1891 93 in Dubuque. Iowa. In 1893 99