Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/25

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HKHRINGSHAWS LIBRAKY OF AMKUICAN BIOGRAPHY. Ihf author of Christianity and Statesmanship; The Jiaptist Church Transplanteti from the Old World to the New; Guide to ConvyrHion; Home Life; Authority of the Chrisliar Sabbath; Self-Witnessing Character of the New Testament; Ralph Waldo Emerson; i:nd Life Notes. He died Aug. 1, 1887, in Boston, Mass.

Hagy, ical


Lawrence, electrical and mechan-

was born









lie received the





ilu- public schools of Philadelphia, Pa.; and

was prepared lege


for col-

the Philadel-

phia central manual training high school. Receiving a scholarship from the university of Pennsylvania; he entered the electrical and mechanical engineering department in 1395; and graduated therefrom in 1S99 with the degree of U.S. He was an associate patent expert and assistant chief draftsman of the Electric storage battery company of Philadelphia. Pa. lie is a member of the American society of mechanical engineers; a member of the engineers' club of Philadelphia; and a member of the Tutors* association of the university of Pennsylvania. Hahn, Emil, musician, composer, was born in SeptemtMJr. in St. Joseph. Afo. He is the author of an open-it a and a number of songs. He is also the author of several instrumental compositions for the piano, the most notable of which is The Forest Flower Waltzes. Hahn, John, congressman. In 1815-17 he was ji representative from Pennsylvania to the fourteenth ecmgress. lie died in Pennsyl' uni.i.

Hahn, Michael, soldier, lawyer, journalist, eongressmnn, governor. United States senator, was l)orn Nov. 24. 1830. in Ravari.i. (Jermany. During the civil war he served in the union cause; and in lSGl-0.3and 1885 87 he was a representative to the thirtyseventh and forty ninth congresses. jjovc-rnor of T/0»iisinna in 1804:


He was in


iM-eame a Cnited Statr<? senitnr. In 18<i7 lie was the organizer and the chief editor of the New Orlean^* R'-publiean. He has been »in|x'rintendent of the United States mint in New Orlenns; in 1870 beeami' judge of 111.* t w<>ntv sixlh judieial circuit. He died Muvi-h I.-.." ISSO. in Washintrton, D.C. Haid. Leo. clergyman, bishop, was born .Inly 15. 1^49. in T atrnbe. Pa. In 1872 S", ln> »vas ehnplain and a prnfe>««or at St. Vin eent's abbey, and in 1885 T>ecanie abbot of St. Mary help ablM-v. In 1880 he was eon«crtat<'(l Roman calliolic bishop of Wilininirton, N.r.




the offices of abbot

and vicar apostolic of North Carolina. Haidt, John Valentine, painter, artist, was iKjrn Ocv. I, 1700, in (iermany. When he was forty years of age he united with the .Moravian church; and devoted himself to painting |K)rlraits of its clergymen and scriptural pictures. He died Jan. 18, 1780, in Bethlehem. Pa. Haidusek, A., journalist and statesman of UxtJrange, Texas, was born Sept. 19, 18-15. in -Moravia. Europe. Since 189* he has been president of the First National bank of liis city; and is also editor of the Svoboda, a weekly newspaper. He has been mayor of his city, a member of the state legislature and served three terms as judgi' of his conn 1y. He served in the confederate army dnr ing the civil war; and has twice been a del egute to the democratic natitmal convention. Haight, Albert, lawyer, jurist, was born of the ablM'y

Feb. 20, 1842, in Ellicottville. N.Y. In 1872 he became county judge of Erie county. N.Y.; and in 1876 94 was associate justice of the supreme court. Since 1894 he has beei associat e judge of the New York court of appeals.

Haight, Benjamin Oct.


1809, in


clergyman, was born

New York




he was elected bishop of Massachusetts, but declined on account of feeble health. He served as secretary of the convention of

New York 21.


1879. in

twenty years.

New Yofk





Hdight, Charles, soldier, lawyer, congress)nan. was Imrn Jan. 4, 1S:{8, in Colt's Neck. N..I. He was elected to the New Jersey leg islature in 1861 and 1862, and was chosen speaker in the latter year. He wa.s com missioned a brigadier-general of militia in 1801; and rendered efTective ser'ice in raising troops for the war. In 1867 71 he was a representative from New Jersey to the fortieth and forty-first congresses as a demacrat. He died Aug. 1, 1891, in Freehold, N.J. Haight, Charles C, designer, architect, was lK)rn March 17, 18.50. He designed the new on Mings of Columbia college; and the Geni





Haight, Edward, merchant, banker, congressman, was l>orn March 20. 1817. in NewYork City. In 1801 0.1 he was a representative fron) New York to the thirty-seyenth c<)n;iress as a democrat. Haight, Fletcher M., lawyer, jurist. He nioved to California: and was appointed United Stales judge for that district.


Theron Wilber, soldier, lawyer, was born Sept. 14. 1840. He .served as a soldier and

journalist, author, in Lorraine. N.Y.

the civil war. He is a successful lawyer of Waukeslm. Wis.; for many years a justice of the peace; and has been secretary of the Wisconsin slate board of charities and reforms. Tn 1880 81 he was officer in
