Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/312

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HKRHIN08HAWS LIBRARY OK AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. lie has mvivcd tin- drjjrfos Vh.n. nn<l rii.l). Sine l«i»«J chemist to Colpite ami (•i>mpaMy. Hp is the author of Cheiuislry and IMiysics and other monographs. Ivanowski, Sigismond Dc, ] iiint«-r. artist, was liorn April 17. 1875. in Russia, lie has

its Preparations. .New Haven, ('<mn.

n»'i);htM. Oliio.

Mercury and








many actresses. Among Maude Adams as I'eter I*an: . nie Hussell as IMick; HIanclie Ratex as Madam Rutterfly; Kthel Harryniore as t aj)tain .links; and <»ther3. A |)ortrait <tf liear-admiral Meivilh' was purchased f*tr the national giiHtTv of Washington. D.C Iverson, Alfred, lawyer, jurist, congress man. I'nited States senator, was Imrn Dec. He w'rved .'l, 1798. in Hurke county, (Ja. three years as a member of the house of rep n'sentati es and one year as senator in the He was twice elect legir*lature «»/ (Jeorgia. ed judge of the suj>reme court. In IHt7 was a representative to the thirtielli lie he was I'niti-d coiigre-^s; and in ISaofil Slates senator. He died March 4, 1S7:{. in .Macon, (in. Ives, Alice Emma, dramatist, author, was She is the aullior lK»rn in Detroit, .Mich.

pnintod portraits of them are tln)>e of




Brooklyn Handicap: and her I>orine has Im-cu ^tarred l»y

play entitled Frederick Tauhling. Ives, BlaytOD, soldi'-r,



and rnre hook*. Ives,

Charles John, wax horn Oct



mecnanie. 4.

|H,{|. in



He workc'd on his father's and went with fa rm the gold seekers to the mining region «»f Return Pike's Peak. ing to Iowa lie oil tained a snlMirdinate position in the local railroad freight nHice: and in IS7I was a|) {Htinled freight agonl. He served from one posit ion to anot lu r un til he had nuistered

problem of suce4's.sful railroad nninagemenl. He became presid«-nt and general superintenflent of the Burling Ion. t'edar Rapi<ls and northern railroad. It is largely owing to his exeoitive management that the system owes it.s present development. Ives, Charles Linnaeus, educator, pliysietan. author, was lK»rn .lune 22. IS.'U, in

<'W Haven, Conn. In IS«5S-7.'i he was pro fessor of theory and practice of medicine in He is the author of an article on Yale. Prophylaxis of Phthisis Pulmonalis; anil a prize essay on the Thera|>cutic Value of





died in

was Corn

In IKRl. l<'eb. 7, 177'.», in New Haven, t'onn. with the «dder Sillinntn, he sccuhmI Ihe establislnnent of the medical department of Yale c<dlege, and he was professor there I'tgetli«'r





and was



years president «if. the Hortictiltural and pomohigical societies, and s|>ent much time and lalsir in the nniintenaniv of a botanical He had been president of the state ganh'ii. and national meilical ass«K«iation, and was an active advocate of temperance, education, and emancipation. He died Oct. 8, 1801. in rw Haven. Conn. Ives, Frederic Eugene, sci»'ntist, inventor, author. WHS iMirn Feb. 17, 18.5(1. in Litchlield. Conn. In 1H7H he invented the first process of half tone pra<'ti<-ally suc<"es>fnl photoengraving: ami in 18Mrt invented the luilf tone photo engraving proc<»s8 now uniHe is the author of versally employed. iHoehronnilic Photography with Chorophyll Principle in Heliochromy. and .A New

Halsey Cooley, educntor. artist wan (Wt. 27. iHiit. in Montour Falls, N.Y. a director in the St. I.,oui9 school of fine arts; and director in the Mu.seum of fine arts of .Sf. Louis.

Ives, Ixirn

He was


president, was liorn .lune 1. IS40. in KamiIn lX«l."i he wa>* hrevetted ington, t'onn. In IS7;{ he hecame pre>*i hrigjidier-general. lie wa>i dent New York stock exchange. president of the Northern |)acifie railroad: Ini Metropolitan and also president of He owns :i library of valuable company.





Mo. He was sent abroad by the governtnent as commissioner three times; was entrusted with the formation (»f the d«'partment of fine arts at the World's Columbian exposition, and was chief of the <Iepartment from its ince|ition to its finish. In 189:1 he was presented a medal l>y tlu* French eonunission to th.'


World's Columbian exfiosition. ti, HMl. in London, P'ngland.



Howard Chapin,

educator, author, was iHirn March 2t». 1878, in Cheshire. Conn In I8t)9-int>0 he was engage<l as a civil en gineer. In lOOl-Ort he was a professor of Ihe Worcester pfdytechnie institute; and since 1900 has been assistant professor of railroad engineering at that institution. He is part author of Stereotomy; and Problems in Surveying, Railroad Surveying and cod CSV. Ives, Levi, physician, journalist, was born 17."»<>. He was a skillful practitioner; in a founder of the New Haven medical society: and one of the editors of Ca«es and Observatioji. said to l)e the first medical lournal that was published in the United States. He died Oct. 17. 1820, in New Haven, Ives,

( ;



Ives, Levi Silliman, bishop, author, was born Sept. 10. 1707. in Meriden. Conn. He was the second [irotestant episcopal bisliop of North Carolina, consecrated in 18.32; and