Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/321

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Ki»cky Muuutuiii Prt'}<byt«'riiiii, wliirli he roiiductod fur ten veiirt*. In 1S77 he visited Alunkiv iij* the first ur(hiine«l inissionHry of the United States; nnd there eMtahli.shed many schools and fhurehes. In 1SH7 he estuhlished the North Star newspaper at Sitka; in 1880 founded n church and an industrial school for native children; and in 1S87 founded the museum of tile Alaskan society of natural liistory and ethnolo^'V. In 1885 he hecanje general agent of education for Alaska, and served nianv years. He died May 2, HWJ, in AshevWU-' N.C. Jackson, Simeon Taylor, farmer legislator, was born July 24, 1853, near Floyd, West Carroll Parish, La. He received a thorough education; and graduated from the state military academy of Baton Rouge, La. lie is a successful farmer and civil englm^er of Louisiana; and has tilled various positions of trust and honor. He has been presiilent uf the parish board of school di1H72









the business and public affairs of West Carrtdl Parish, La. At the expiration of his pr«-sent t«'rni he will have seen twenty years of continuous service as a member of the {leiu-ral assembly of I<ouisiana; and during tliat time has served on many important committees. Since 1SH8 he has been a representative in the Louisiana state legislature.



B., state hgislator, con-

gressman, was born on Long Island, N.Y. he was a member of the New York house of representatives. In 18.'J7-4l he was a representative from New York lo the twenly-lilth ami twenty-sixth congresses as a democrat; and was also for tliree years a memlH>r of the New York state assenil)Iy. He died in N«'w York. In


Hi:i(UIN<;SII.V S l,Ii;itAUV ni-



Jackson, Thomas Jonathan, soldier, was horn .liin. 21, 1S24. in Clark.Hhnrg. W.Va. Stonewall Jackson was a noted general of the confederate army during tlu' civil war.

He was command

general in at W'inchcs-

and Cedar Mountain: and one of two


generals in command at the battles of (>n)veton. Cross and at Fort Republic. He died of a wound received by mistake

^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^B



during ChanceNorsville,





forces battle of The ad-

vanta;;rH which the confederates gained in battle were dearly purchased by the


loss of their nt»ble lea<ler,






Jackson, Victor Stonewall, banker, governmi-nt ollicial. was horn Oct. 31, 1873, in I'eru. Ind. He f,'railuated from the high sclmol of Peru. Ind. He then engaged in the banking business and became connected

with the First national l)ank of Peru, Ind. In IH!I!»-I!MK» he was connected with tlic New York navy yard; and then startAxl a navy supply store house in the Philippincn. In 1!>02-U3 he was on the L'nited Stati-a HleaiMship (ilacier purchasing supplies in AuHtralia for the army an<l navy in the Pliilippines. In l!M»3-<M he was l'nited States paymaster bureau of su|iplies ami accounts. Since l!H>.'i he has been with tluPananni canal commission as assistant chief, department of material and supplies. Isth-

mian canal. Jackson,



lawyer, jurist, congress2!l. 1794, in Chester,

man, was born Dec.

He was

a justice of the peace aevI'ral years in Havana, N.Y., held the ollice of county judge four years; and in 184!»-.'il he was a representative to the tiiirty-lirsl congress. He died in Havana, N.Y.


Jackson, William, soldier, secretary. wu» horn March *>, 1759, in Kngland. He served aide-de-camp to (ien. Washington, with the rank of major. lu 1782-83 he was hhsistant secretary of war under (Jen. Lincoln. He was secretary to the convention tiial framed the United States constitution in 1787, and took private notes of the <lebat«*H and proceedings, which are preserved by Imm descendants. During President Washing ton's first administration he was his uid<and private secretary. In I8(»U-20 he was secr«'tarv of the .'Society of the Cincinnati. He <lie.ri).'c. 17, 1828. in Philadelphia. Pu. .IS

Jackson, William, railroad builder, baukcongressnuin, was born Sept. 2. 178J. Newton. Mass. He was engagetl in the construction ot railroads. He was a mem.•r,


ber of the Massachusetts state legislature in 1829-32; and in 1833-37 he was a representative to the twenty-thini and twentyfourth congresses. At the time »if his deatli he was president of the Newton bank. He died Feb. 27. 1855, in Newton, Mass.

Jackson, William Furnell, statesnmn. w as horn Jan. 11. 18«»8. in Salisbury. .M«l. Hiwas a memlM-r of the fifty nintli and sixtieth congresses. Since 1912 he has been United States senator from Maryland. Jackson, William H., lumber dealer, congn'ssman, was iMirn in IKH) near Salisbury, M»l. He was educated in the common schools and worked on iiis father's farm. In





was 18<»7

a dealer in horses and he has been in the lum-


business. In 1901-05 and 1907-00 he was a representative from Marylanti to the lifty-seventh, tifty-cighth and sixtieth con gresses as a republican.

Jackson, William Hicks, soldier, was born 7. 1830. in Paris. Terui. He served in the civil war; and attained the rank of brigadier-general in the confeilerate service. From the civil war he occupied himself largely an<l successfully in stock-raising; and was in co-partnership with Richard Cr«)ker, the owner of the extensive Belle Meade stock farm in the blue grass region
