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HBRRIN08HAW8 LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOORAPHT. lie is the author of Princiin 1R99-1901. ples of Psychology; Psychology; The Will to Believe; and Oth«r Emays in Papular



James, ernor,

was born

Eartford, Oet.


lawyer, govin



was admitted to county, Ohio. the practice of law; and in 1864 was apIn 1855 he

pointed registnir of the land ofTice at Uaycretary of the state of ton. Neb. He was Nebraska? and in 1H71-77 was governor of that state. In I.S87 he wa«4 appointed registrar of the land ollice ut Collax, Wash.

James, William Levis,


waa bom

Pennsylvania. In 1862-65 he served in the civil war; and in 18t)6 attained the rank of bri|?adler-geiMjral of volunteers. He waa lioriorahly mustered out in ISfifl. Jameson, Charles Davis, suMlcr. manu2 t. 1827, in Gorfacturer, was born ham. Maine. At tiie btginning of the civil war 1m' Wiis piaeed in command of the second Maine rtgimcnt. the first that left that state for thf seat of w^r; and be was appointe»l bri{;a<lier-general of volunteers III In 18fil G2 he wan the democratic 1861. candidate for governor of Maine. He died in



Nov. 6, 1862, in Oldtown, Maine. Jameson, David, soldier, was born in 17r»2. He foujiht at thp battle of Great Brid^ in 177'>; and served in the southern states in Steven's bri^'alle in 1780-81. In 1790-91 he was a delegate to the Virginia legislature; and was afterward a magistrate and Tie hi«jh sheriff of ('u!ih|iit connty, Va. died <•(•(. -i. is;<!t, ifi Cnliieper rounty, V'a.

Jameson, Ephraim Hall Emery, journallecturer, was born May 19, He was eduin St. (icorge, Maine. in New England, ministry for the cated taugiit sthool in Illinois, und for one year wais ass'stant cilitur on a daily newspaper of Springfield. He edited the Free Demoeiut oi ;alt>liiirj: for nuc Vfiir. In 18S8 he became a reporter on tlie St. Louis Democrat, and was connected with the press of that city for twclv.- yeai-^ In Ht>l In- was engaged in inu^tt-rinfj rei iuit.N; t!i«'n orj^anized r«giments of militia; and was com-

ist. cler},'yimui, IS.-?.'*,


missiont'd colonel of one of these rejiiments of reserve.s, ami did duty on the border for nearly two years. In 18r>2-H»{ he was a member of the Missouri state .legislature, and beeanu' sjM'aker. 1871 he was one of the editors of the St. T.oui- CIoKr. In 1870iil he was pantor of the Firut baptist church of Omaha, pastor at Saginaw three years; and jtastor at Lansing six years. In 1S!>0 he was appointed district secretary of the American baptist home missionary society.


Ephraim Orcutt, elergyman, was born Jan. 23, 18.32, Tn 1871-03 he was pas-

genealogist, author, in Dunbarton, N.H. tor at Mills. Mii-<

and since

thc!i in

ton. Mass. He is the author «>l in America; History of




Thf .Jamesons

the in

Choates in America.


the Cogs-

Newbury, America; and

Jameson, Henry, physician of IndianapoInd., was born Sept. 9, 1848, in Marion countv, Ind. He received his medical decree from the lielU vne hospital medical colhas lege of New York City; and since 1871 been actively engaged in the practice of medicine. He is now president of the board of park commissioners of Indianapolis; ana has held various positions of trust and honlis,


Jameson, John, congressman, was born in Kentucky. He began the practice oi law in Fulton, Mo.; and hdd several U>cal ofIn 1839-41, lM3-4r> and 1847-49 he fices. was a representative from Missouri to the twenty-sixth, twentv-eighth and thirtieth congreases. He died Jan. 2, 1857, in Fulton,

Mo. Jameaoo, John Alexander, lawyer, jurist, author, was born Jan. 25, 1824, in Iraaburgh, Vt. He was a jurist of Chicago; for eighteen years judge of the supreme court: and for many years one of the editors of The American Law Register. He was one of the first to take an active part in the foundation of the American academy of political tlioi

and social seienee. He waa the auThr Constitution,!! Convention, its


History, Power, and Mo.Us of Proceeding. Jameson, John Fraoklin, educator, author, was horn Sept. 19. 18r)n. in Boston. Mass. In 1895-1901 he was a protes.-or of history in Brown university; and in 1895-1901 he was editor American Historical Review. Since 1901 he has been professor of history in the university of Chicago. He is the author of WiHiam Usselinx, Founder of the Dutcli and Swedish West India Companies, The History of Historical Writing in Anu rea; and Dictionary of United SUtes History.

Jameson, Patrick Henry, physician, author, was born April 18, 1824, in Monroe, Ind. Tn 1863-66 be waa acting assiaUnt aur^'con in the United States army, and in 1861-69 physician to the Indiana institution for the deaf and dumb. He is the author of Memoirs of Prominent Phyaieians of Indianapolis.

Jameson, William, naval


was bom

During the war of in Virginia, 17i»l 1812-14 ho was in several engagements; and received his conimisaion as captain in 1844. He adhered to the cause of the union at the beginning of the civil war; and was commissioned commodore in 1862* He died Oct. 7, 187^], in Alexandria. Jamieson, Egbert, lawyer, jurist, waa bom April 29. lH4ri, in Casth ton, Vt. ^h' h arned the printing trade; and for a time was engaged with editorial work on the Milwiuikec Daily N. ws. In 18(59 he began the practice of law in Chicago, 111.; was city attorney: became corporation counsel; and issli 'in WHS judpe of the superior court ill nuk oiinty. 111. In 1890-97 lie was genI et al counsel for the West Chicat^o and North In 1903-07 he Clii<ii^,'o railway companies. was a member of the Lincoln park board. in



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