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Jastrow, Morris, librarian, |»liilnntliropi8t, was born Aajr. 13, 18(51, in Europe. Hi? is profi'»8or of Semitic languages and librarian of the university of Pennsylvania. He is the author of Religion of the Babylonians and Assyrians. Jay, James, physician, author, was born


He was Oct. 27, 1732, in New York City. a physician of New York City; and was He was the auknightc>d by iJeorge HI. thor of Reflections and Observations on He died Oct. 20, 1815, in Springfield. (•out.

N..I. In IKIO he was a member state assembly, being actprom(»ting legislation for the building of the Krie canal. He held the olHce of n conler of New York City in 1810-21; and was a niember of the New York constitutional convention in 1821. He died Feb. 20,

bethtown, the



New York


1S43, in


Jay, John, soldier, lawyer, statesman, governor, was born Dec. 12. 174.'i, in New York City. In 1774-70 he was a delegate

New York

from the


to con-

gress. In 1770 he was recalled from congress

to aid in forming the government of New York, and for that rea.son was not present to sign the declaof independration ence. In 1777-70 h<' was chief justice of the state, but resigned to fill the post of

He was appointed president of I'ongress. secretary of state. Though not a member which framed lie aided •Tt the convention In 1780-04 he was th»' fe<ler il constihitiun. fhief justice of the supreme court of the rnited Stales, which position he resigned to accept the mission to Kngland, when he negotiated tiie treaty which bears his name. He was the second governor of New York in 17r>0- 1801. after which he retired to priHis Correspondence and State vate life. He died Papers were published in 1803. May 17. 1820, in Bedford, N.Y. Jay, John, lawy< 23.

He was the author of Description and Rare Shells. He died in 1891 in New York City. Jay, Peter Augustus, lawyer, jurist, stato h gislati»r, was born -Ian. 24, 1770, in Kli/^-

Stales. of New



was born


New" York City. He was eduthe jiublic schools and academics native state. of liis

ISI7. in







years a njanager and secre(•orn'sponding tary of the New York historical society. He was a successful law-

yer; an<l an active nu'Mibcr of the American geographical and statistical society.



and Slavery



the author of Dignity of the Abolition Cause; Caste American Church; and

.mrrica Slave. He died City. Jay, John Clarkson, physician, conchologist, author, was horn Sept. 1, 1808, in New York City. In addition to his practice of medicine, he ma<le a specialty of conchology. He aopiired the most »onjph-te and vahiabli' collection of sliells in the United .America



Fre« or 1801. in •

New York

New York


Jay, Peter Augustus, diplomat, was born 1877 in Newport. R.l. He was educated at Katon college: and Harvard university. He lias been third secretary of embassy at Paris. France; has bci-n second secretary of and h'gilioii at Constantinople, Turkey: since 1002 has been first secretary of legation at Constantinople, Turkey. Jay, William, lawyer, jurist, philanthropist, author, was born June IG, 1780; in New York City: and was the son of Chief From early life he exerted .Inst ice .lay. liimsclf in behalf of social and religious reforms. He was for several years president of the American peace society; and one of founders of the American bible hocth«« He was the author of Life of .Tohn vty. in

.•ay; War and Pi-ac-e; and se«|ueiices of the Mexican



1858.. in

Causes and Con-




Bedford. N.Y.

Jayne, Anselm Helm, lawyer, author, was horn ill 18."»(> in Mississippi. He is a lawyer of .Tnckson. Miss. He is the author of A History of Mississippi; and A School History of Mississippi. Jayne. David, niai.ufacturer. founder, was In linrn .Inly 12, 1700. in Bushkill, Pa. 1848 he began the erection of a large granite and marble laboratory and salesroom on Chestnut street, Philadelphia, with a frontage of forty-two feet and height of thirteen stories; and in that impressive structure he carriwi on a c<mtinually ex|ianding manufacture of nu'di<'ines until the

He die<l March 5, 1866, of his days. Philadelphia. Pa. Horace, educator, scientist, au18."i0. in Philadelthor, was born .March He was rhosen lei-turer in biology phia. in the university of Pennsylvania: and .subbecame professor of vertebrate se<pientl. morphology in the same institution. He is the author of - Revision of the Dermestid:e of North .merica; -bnormitie8 Observed in North American Coleoptera; Origin of the Fittest; and Mammalian Anatomy.

.•nd ill



Jayne, William, physician, congressman, governor, was born Oct. 8, 1820. in SpringHe practiced medicine for eleven field, 111. yeais; and in 18.>0-01 was mayor of SpringHi' was elected to the state senfield, 111. ate in 1800 and 1801; and in 1861-0.3 wa« In 1863-0.'> governor of Dakota territory. he was a territorial delegate from Dakota to the thirty -eighth congress.

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